Warhammer 30,000 League – Week 2

The League continues, and the embers of the Heresy have begun to smolder.
We had over 20 folks show up at Battleforge Games, and the Warhammer 30,000 League is off and running. This 2nd week featured larger 2000pt Legion forces against a variety of alien threats, and several hallmark games: Space Wolves began their assault on Prospero, and the Warmaster had an eventful encounter on the moon of Davin. Apocalypse hit the shelves this week, so of course your intrepid writers bigred and mkerr laid out 10,000 points and let the 10″ templates fly! Lets do a quick recap so everyone can see how the Emperor’s Finest held up.
Testra Prime
Alpha Legion, Testra PDF forces (IG)
The Apha Legion under the command of Master Arkos, scored a hard fought victory for the Imperium upon the sands of Testra Prime. The Testra PDF forces were heavily dug in, and put up quite a fight , but in the end, were undone by some bad rolling, and terrain placement trickery from the Sons of Alpharius.
World Status: Compliance
Ultramarines vs Logos Overmind (necrons)
The battlefield aplomb of Captain Frankus was on display for all to see. This heretical enclave of forbidden thinking machines, was crushed under the heel of the “Scion of Ultramar”. Illuminated by the burning pyres of their logic stacks, Frankus with the assistance of a squad of Adeptus Custodes has raised the Aquila atop the highest point of Iwa III.
World Status: Total Compliance
Ultramarines vs Lucian Lancers (CSM)
Captain Timias has claimed another world for the Imperium. The heretical enclave of Lucianus, had devolved into primitive worship of false gods. With the population casting aside their better judgement for power, the Ultramarines have showed this wayward world that the Word of Ultramar is to obeyed without hesitation.
World Status: Total Compliance
Luna Wolves vs Davinite Cultists. (LaTD)
Strangely quiet and secretive, the Luna Wolves are said to have swept the Warmaster himself to safely after an unexpected attack by the backwards inhabitants of one of the moons of Davin. Reports of his injury are seen as delusional gossip at best, but they have niether been confirmed nor denied by the Luna Wolves. The legions is said to have utterly swept the taint of heresy from the blighted world.
World Status: Total Compliance
Iwa IV
Imperial Fists vs Logos Collective (necrons)
A second front in the Legion advance into the Iwa system. Here again, the thinking machines were met with arms by the Legions. Sigismund’s initial landings have been brunted by these thinking machines and the Imperial Fist advance has ground to a standstill. Losses are said to be high, and the several Reserve Companies are enroute to the planet.
World Status: Non Compliance
Space Wolves vs Thousand Sons
In an unheard of chain of events, the Emperor himself has ordered Leman Russ to strike at the homeworld of Magnus the Red. The initial lands are said to have been bitter affairs, and casualties on both sides are running into the thousands. Several of the silver cities of Propero are burning, while the Red Sorcerors are exacting a high toll in blood for every foot of ground they cede.
World Status: Non Compliance
Death Guard, Legio Metalica vs Daughters of Purity (WHs)
Upon the paradise world of Tienas, Captain Garro’s campaign has been stalled. In the face of the fanatical warrior women and cultist hordes, even the grim determination of the Death Guard and the firepower of the Legio Metalica could not push through to ultimate victory. In an apocalyptic battle, the fighters of Tienas have held the line, and still hold capitol city. Battle-Captain Garro has requested a full Death Guard Century to secure this world’s compiance once and for all.
World Status: Non Compliance
Night Lords vs Anargo PDF Hospitalliers (WHs)
Reports are sketchy from this previously compliant Imperial world. Astropaths have reported a “maiming” in the warp that could only be the mass deaths of human citizens, while the Sons of Nostromo report that a insidious coven of traitors was mercilessly put down. Whatever the truth, since shortly after their campaign began, there has been no word whatsoever from the military forces of Anargo. The Night Lords fleet has moved off, and Terra is sending an investigative team to this system to determine the truth. An Anargo PDF Transmission can be seen here.
World Status: Total Compliance (2nd reconquest)
Fortrea Quintus
Word Bearers vs Quintus Hussars (IG)
On this night shrouded world, Kor Phaeron has yet again encountered stiff resistance. The Imperial firebrand is said to have whipped up the local populace into a massive Crusade of Faith and besieged the traitorous central government. The local PDF commander however was wily, and has struck a serious blow at rear logistical hubs of the Word Bearers, and disrupted their operations for the time being. Casualties among the loyalist population are very high, and Kor Phaeron, is preparing yet another Crusade of Faith to open a second front against the Quintus Hussars.
World Status: Non-compliance
Total Results:
Victorious Legions: 4
Legions embroiled in continued operations: 4
Worlds brought into Imperial compliance: 5
Next Week: The Warmaster makes his move…