Adeptus Mechanicus Logo Sheet

“When uttering the incantation, mark well that the rod is upon and not within the intake. The second incantation should not be uttered until all the fumes have come forth, then the way shall be clear for the sacred words to penetrate unto the heart of the engine. If the mounting be hot say the third rune, if it be cold the fourth rune is more appropriate. For then the wrath of the engine will be aroused…” ~The Book of Five Runes
You have been asking for these for a long time guys and I present them to you as a BoLS Christmas gift. The Adeptus Mechanicus are one of the central organizations of the 40k universe yet we have never had decals to help out the hobbyist struggling with their maddeningly complex logo. These logos can be used across thet Imperium for everything from Titans, to Baneblades, to Land Raiders, to Tarantula platforms and everything in between. If you have a piece of Imperial “high technology” its a good bet there could be a Mechanicus logo on it somewhere. I’m also thinking that a lot of the bigger Imperial machines from the Lords of Battle mini-dex would look great dressed up with these logos. I’ve also included some Mechanicus “sect logos” to further accessorize your models. All Praise the Omnissiah! Enjoy guys.
Here is the link to the PDF file for the logo sheet you can freely pull down and use:
The sheet is designed for printout on decal printer paper which is easily available online. These decals are designed for the WHITE or CLEAR decal paper. The procedure is as follows:
WHITE PAPER: The decals need to be cut out carefully and can be applied to any colored surface. They are opaque, so the contrasty colors of the logo will be easily visible. The procedure for applying the decals is to get them on and let them fully dry. Now paint in any touchups with either the background color around the logo where needed. It is odd, but gets the job done.
CLEAR PAPER: The decals will be transparent on the white areas, so they will need to be applied to a white or light colored background (like a silver). The advantage of this route is you dont have to cut them out exactly.
Click here for a detailed Custom Decal Tutorial
This sheet is sized for superheavy vehicles up towards the top and scales down to standard model size towards the middle of the sheet. I have included the standard black and white logo as well as three “Mechanicum sect” logos for to differentiate your models. Remember that you can use mechanicum logos to dress up any model that is a “high technology” piece of Imperial equipment, so these logos should be useful to a wide array of 40k modelers. Please make sure you run off a test sheet first on your printer to make sure.
In any case, enjoy and I wish you the best in using this set for your forces.
~Please feel free to leave comments if there is a special Chapter, Craftworld, or something else you would love to collect, but have no GW decal options, and I will see what I can do.
Merry Christmas guys! You have been waiting for this logo sheet for a very long time so I wanted to take some time and knock out a good one. As for the “sect logos” towards the bottom, you will have to read Mechanicum to figure out who some of the various logos belong to.