40k & FANTASY NEWS: Studio Openday 2009 – Part 2

~Folks fasten your seatbelts, there are tons more pics here to dig through. Photos by BoLS Photographer: Alex Garbett
UK Design Studio Openday 2009 40K Seminar (thanks to Warseer’s: Philbrad for some of this)
– Upcoming White Dwarf will detail APOC rules for Stompa’s new wargear and add a Stompa Squadron Apoc datasheet.
-IG 4 plastic boxes, 4 blisters, and 2 battleforces (Cadian & Catachan) are coming out.
-IG Imperial Advisors work like the SM Chapter Masters do for Apocalypse.
-Next 18 months will be “big” for IG
-Sentinel has a plasma cannon and missile launcher variant.
-Sentinel metal enclosed cockpit pieces are now in plastic and on the sprue. The legs are now multiple pieces for ease of posing during assembly.
-Valkyrie is a fast, skimmer armour 12/10/10 and has a special rule allowing “flyby deep striking” allowing the Valkyrie to continue moving whilst the troops deploy. The occupants must take a dangerous terrain test when they land to see if they are injured.
-40k Version of Mighty Empires is done, but awaiting a release slot (but not within the next 18 months).
-When Heroquest/Space Hulk was asked about it was met with a smile and a comment that a “boxed game was being work on”.
Warhammer Fantasy Plastic Empire Steam Tank
We’ve heard rumors about this one, but here she is in the flesh, and a sprue pic (and a dragon).
~Take it away guys, and check out that text near the advisors pics for even more info.