40K RUMORS: Q3 Planetstrike and IG Releases (UPDATED)
Rumors brought to the community by DakkaDakka’s: Reecius and H.B.M.C.
So now we have the above pic from White Dwarf showing some of the Planetstrike terrain kits coming our way in July:
-Landing Pad
-Imperial Bastion (with defense laser, and antennae array)
Later in the quarter (reportedly around August) there are said to be 5 2 updated vehicle kits for the Imperial Guard to allow construction of several more tanks from the codex.
-Leman Russ Demolisher – New all plastic kit can build a Demolisher, Punisher or Executioner.
New turret. New hull weapons, new sponsons, new hull accessories.
-Hellhound – New all plastic kit can build a Hellhound, Devil Dog or Bane Wolf.
New turret, new hull details, internal fuel tank (partially exposed so visible from the top).
-Russ/Vanquisher/Exterminator/Executioner kit
-Demolisher/Punisher/Executioner kit
-Hellhound/Devildog/Banewolf kit
-Basilisk/Medusa/Griffon kit
-Manticore/Colossus/Hydra kit
Plus the Chimera.
~Standard caveats on those IG kit contents, but the Planetstrike stuff is pretty solid. The other interesting thing is to go back and re-read the BGB rules cover to cover. There are a lot of mentions of Bastions in there so apparently these Planststrike pieces should slot into the current ruleset like a glove.
UPDATE: New info regarding the IG 2nd wave vehicles. Only 2 are planned for August.