40K / WFB Costume Thread
Lets have some fun on this slow holiday weekend.
You’ve seen them, you know em, and secretly you love em. I am speaking of course about those most fanatical amongst us, the 40k/Fantasy cos-players.
Now we all have an expensive addiction. GW doesn’t just give away their products for free, and then you have to add in all the paint and hobby supplies on top, not to mention time.
But my friends we are all mere amateurs compared to those who above and beyond take the time to handcraft, paint and wear their hobby literally on their sleeve.
I’ve put together just a tiny snippet of some of the most memorable cos-players out and about on the internet. In the end, I think the line between good and bad costumes is like the laws regarding obscenity…”you know it when you see it”
~Have fun, lets hear your comments, links to pictures, personal experiences, tall tales and anything alse. Have fun and remember…BE NICE! 🙂