40K RUMORS: Blood Angels Tidbits

The birds in the wind have sharp eyes, and report the following regarding the Blood Angels,
Victor and Unholt: An HQ monstrous creature: 1/1/6/4/4/3/4/10/4+, with a Techmarine handler & big assault gun.Angels Sanguine Chapter Master Toledo: Rage and Fleet instead of Combat Tactics and Blood Rage.
Flesh Tearers Chapter Master Seth: Is in…
Sanguinary High Priest HQ: unit has: W:2 and grants a Rage (Blood Rage??) radius.
Captain Erasmus Tycho: 3+ Dodge save, Pride special rule and no Blood Rage.
Up to 8 Dreadnoughts: (2 Named HQ dreads if you play a mix of Flesh Tearers/Blood Angels), 6 normal FOC dreads possible.
Tantalus Lander: 2 Twin Linked Assault Cannons, TL Plasmagun.
Guards of the Tower of Amareo: Jump Troops with high I, WS,BS and “Exalted Blades”( Frost axe rules)
AdvertisementRhinos are fast: with a “severe damage table”
New Baal Predator and Venerable dreadnought: with twin close combat weapon options.
Death Company: lose rending, retain Feel No Pain, Furious Charge, and continue the effects of Furious Charge if they win combat!
Exalted Assault Squad: Winged jump packs, rapier-like blades, wrist-mounted stormbolters, masks.
AdvertisementBlood Angels Scouts: Scouts, but very post-apocalyptic feeling – like Fallout or Mad Max – chains, close combat weapons, the complete opposite to the generic neat vanilla scouts.
Blood Angel Assault Squad: Assault marines with Blood Angel regalia. (possible Melta pistol bits seen here).
Twin Death Company releases: Two boxes with jump packs, one black armor, one red armor, bareheaded, banner, storm shields.
Tantalus Lander: kind of flying droppod with wings, land raider front, assault cannons under fuselage
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Venerable Dreadnought
Predator (with Baal variant parts)
~Standard Caveats folks as we are still WAY out on the timeline for the April Blood Angels codex. I’m getting the vibe that the Blood Angels are going to be the FAST assault marine army. Also, that Tantalus Lander sounds absolutely Fab! There is also chatter the codex will cover not only the Blood Angels but their successor chapters as well. Enjoy and follow more in the BoLS Lounge here.