40K RUMORS: Blood Angel Death Company

Here is the latest we’ve been hearing from about the tubes regarding the dreaded Blood Angels Death Company:
0-1 Death Company unit in the FOC
Unit size: 5 (-10 conflicting)
Marine Veteran statlines,
Black Rage (rage USR if there is no Chaplain leading the squad, gains the benefits of furious charge in continual assault rounds if the unit won the round, Feel no Pain)Transport options based on the surrounding Blood Angels list:
2+ Tactical Squads: Rhino, Drop Pod, Lander options available
1+ Assault Squad: Jump packs available
1+ Devastator Squad: Unit size increases to 5-15
1+ Honour Guard or Terminator Squad: Up to half the unit may buy power weapons or power fists.
There is some additional tidbits out of Germany (why is it always Germany with the Blood Angels?)
2+ Save Artificier Armor
No Grenades, CCW/Bolt Pistol
Chaplains within 6″ of the unit replaces Black Rage with Red Fury
~Who’s afraid of the Death Company now? Have at it guys.