40k Hobby: “Aim High” Saim-Hann Eldar Air Force

Hey everyone, I’ve been working on this project for quite some time and it is finally finished. A squadron of Eldar flyers.
Some of you have seen the progress on my blog, however Bigred asked me to do an article for BoLS as well. These were commissioned by one of Full of Monkey’s clients, for whom I do some freelance for. He wanted the models re-painted to fit with an existing Saim-Hann army. I wish I’d have gotten pictures of them when they came in, or even after we’d stripped what we could off of them, but it wasn’t pretty. Some of the previous layers of paint proved impossible to remove and left some spots. I’d thought about using a metal mesh or metal brush bit for my dremel, but I did not want to damage the model itself.
It’s difficult if not impossible to see in these pictures, but there’s a gradient in the red. Along the edges and the wings, I airbrushed a lighter blood red. The main color is a 50/50 mix of blood red and scab red that I also airbrushed on.
I decided long ago to never ever paint another eldar canopy again. I have never liked the look of the clear canopies on the eldar skimmers/flyers. I think the painted canopies look much better.
It took me a bit of time to decide where and how to do the requisite black stripes. I looked to google for some inspiration and found some pictures of other Saim-Hann flyers others have done. I gave the Phoenix a double stripe since I thought it would be the “leader” of this particular wing of the force.
The client also has sent a Vampire that I’ve started work on. I’m sure I’ll make a post about that when it’s done.
~The client has seen some pics of the flyers and he seems quite happy with them. It doesn’t seem at least in these pictures that you can see any of the slight flaws left by the previous badly done paint jobs. I think I did a reasonable job being sure to use techniques that would not emphasize them. So what does everyone think?