40K HOBBY: Custom Necron Tomb Stalker
As any Necron fan with an internet connection knows by now, ForgeWorld has released a new model (and experimental rules) for a new Necron unit, the Necron Tomb Stalker. This is pretty much the first new unit Necron players have had in over 8 years. As of yet, Forge World has yet to release the model to the public (other than a limited release at the UK Games Day). Therefore, I decided to not wait for Forge World and made my own Tomb Stalker.
This project really started when I was at my local GW store and talking with a buddy, Kieren Trimbee. We were discussing the new Tomb Stalker when he pulled out a model he had started working on; it was a Tyranid Bio Ship for Battlefleet gothic. I immediately saw the potential to use this as a basis for a Tomb Stalker, after some heated negotiation I headed home with his model.
Basically the original model was part of a Trygon Tail with a Trygon head piece and many many hormogaunt claws as legs. I spent the next three hours searching and cutting pieces from Necrons (For the Gauss Flyers and tail and mount components), Imperial Guard Tanks (for the antennae), Chaos Defiler (head for the eyes) and a few other miscellaneous pieces for subtle details.
The base consists of three barrels and Six Necron Scarabs, since those little suckers seem to be everywhere.
I’m not going to go into a step by step detail on how it’s built, most of it’s pretty straight forward and you should be able to discern most of it by the photos. Besides this is really just to give all you Necron Players out there the inspiration to build your own custom Tomb Stalker.
The painting is also fairly basic, boltgun metal (highlight: mithril silver) for all the steel, dark angels green(highlight: snot green) for the armour plates and shinning gold for the spikes and claws. Everything gets a brown ink wash then highlights and details from there.
After playing with the Tomb Stalker I believe it fills a very important void in the Necron list. It is the ideal unit as a counter assault unit. Use it to screen your Warriors from being assaulted. Basically you can assault anything that comes close to your warriors then jump out of combat so that you can shoot and charge again, potentially leap frogging from unit to unit. All in all a great addition to the Necron list and I hope it makes it into the next edition of the codex.