This Week in 40K Podcasting – 6/10/2011 – 6/16/2011

Welcome to another “This Week in 40K Podcasting,”
Here is this week’s top 5!
The Independent Characters– Episode 30 ***Explicit***
Highlights: After opening up with some announcements and contest information, the guys go into segment one of their show talking to their guest host Andrew. They talk about how he got into war gamming in the first place and where he is now in it. They move on to talk about what they have been up to lately in the hobby and the games they had played, which included a detailed KublaCon review. In the main segment of the show, the guys talk about the difference between being a noob and a veteran 40K player, and what a noob can do to improve upon their game to get to the veteran level status. This conversation moves into the third segment as they talked about the skills sets that they believe a veteran player must have in 40K, which also included hobby skills.
Opinion: Overall, this was a great podcast. I though that the main topic was a lot of fun this week and that it was a good “where should I be” refresher for the new player. I also appreciated that the guys included hobby skills like painting and converting models in their list. A great show I really enjoyed!
Highlights: This week, the Overlords open up their show with some new releases from the Black Library and some general 40K news. They also talk a bit about the Grey Knights FAQ and some local Overlords updates. Then then move on to what they have been up to lately in that last week, which included hobby and gaming. Next up was a review of a Battlefoam bag for Space Marines. Then, in Sprue Peter, the guys do a full review of the GW Moonscape terrain kit, and talk about the ease of painting it. They close out the show with Dawson from Imperial Vox Cast who joins Mark, Steve, and Dagimire in a discussion about Team games and Team tournaments.
Opinion: This was yet again another outstanding podcast from the now 1 year old Overlords (Happy Birthday guys). I always love to hear about the game that they have played and I really liked Sprue Peter this week, as I believe I am getting the Moonscape set for Father’s day this weekend. Plus, Dawson joining the guys was a real treat, and a lot of fun! Great work guys, looking forward to another great year!
Screaming Heretic– Episode 3***Explicit***
Highlights: After opening up the show with some shout outs the crew move on to talk about what they have been doing in the hobby in the last three weeks. This included some outstanding painting and modeling advice on weathering. Next up, the girls take over the show with “Kiss My List” and this week they review a 2000 point Chaos Space Marine list. Up next, the boys move on to some more Apocalypse coverage. They talk mostly about setting up for a cross-podcast Apoc game they plan to play with the Eternal Warriors. Following that, Roy talked about building an army based on a theme and this week he talks about an Ork army made with some Max Mini bits to fit his theme. This spills over into a discussion about alternative bits companies. In the last segment they hit on quite a few concepts: What music/podcasts do you listen to in the background while you are painting? They also talk about GW video games and what they liked. Then the girls close have a detailed conversation talking about “how to meet a geeky girl”. Lastly, Joe talks a little about the new Finecast Models from GW.
Opinion: Overall this was a good podcast this week. Kiss my list is just fun, and I am really loving the Apocalypse talk. The alternative bits were great to hear and that Geek dating segment was too funny. So single 40K player out there, check this one out!
Highlights: This week the show opens up with a satire bit and talk to Romeo from 40K Radio/Battlefoam. After that, the guys go into “this Week in Gaming” which focused mostly on their preparation for an upcoming tournament. Next up in Pat’s Corner, Pat has an interview with Darkwyn and the talk about the Black Templar list he has been running. Next up, Monster Rain joins Pat and talks about his Necrons list that he took to Adepticon. Then, Jawaballs and Old Shatter Hands talk about their charity project coming up in July, called the Heroes of Armageddon and then with Winterman about Spocon. Then, Pat talk to Romeo from Battlefoam/40K Radio about his new store in the UK. Next, in Rules Hersey, Pat and Blackmoore talk about instant death and Grey Knights. The guys close out the show this week with the List Building segment. They start with a CSM list with a Fabius Rhino SPAM list and a 2500 Point Daemons List with Epidemius. Lastly they build a pinning Tau list which sounded pretty good actually.
Opinion: The guys scared me there for a second with the joke about Neil leaving the show. I love Pat, I really do, but I was really worried one of my top podcasts was taking a loss. But, all in good fun! I have to say I am loving all of the Necron talk too, and it was great to hear from Romeo from 40K Radio. The list building segment is still my favorite segment! Great work guys!
Imperial Vox Cast – Episode 53***Explicit***
Highlights: This week, the boys are mostly all there, missing Silas. The guys open up the show with what they have been doing lately in gaming and the games they have been playing. In the next segment the guys talk a little about some new rubber terrain out there from War Torn Worlds. Next up they talk about list building and the difference between hard, smash face list building versus the fluffy, more in it for the fun of it kind of list building. They move on to talk about some of the tactics to writing a strong tournament list. The boys go into detail on what they do when building a tournament list and what criteria they use to pick the units they use in their lists. In the end Dawson boils it down to take the list you want to take, just give it the tools to deal with the other more powerful tournament lists out there.
Opinion: This was just a fun podcast to listen to. It really boiled down mostly to Dawson and Tor talking about Tor’s army and how he builds them. But it was jam packed with great ideas, tactics, and strategies. I really recommend this one to anyone looking to enter a tournament and needs some list building advice.
Honorable Mentions – All great podcasts that just missed this cut this week, but you should still check them out:
40K Radio – Episode 21 ***Explicit*** Rick Priestley Interview
Life After the Cover Save – Episode 28 ***Explicit***
Preferred Enemies – Episode 5 Painting Tips
Worlds End Radio – Episode 59 The Uncharted Seas Review
Jaded Gamercast – Episode 33 Finecast
So, that is it for This Week in 40K podcasting, thanks for reading. Got a podcast all about 40K, or mostly 40K that I am not listening to? Let me know about it, [email protected] and I’ll be happy to add you to my listening schedule! Disagree with my review? Post comments for that too!