This Week in 40K Podcasting – 6/4/2011 – 6/9/2011

Welcome to another “This Week in 40K Podcasting,”
Here is this week’s top 5!
Highlights: This week the boys from Texas are back and open up their show with what they have been doing lately in the hobby. After the break, the guys go back to Heroic Interventions and talk to Cowboy Kenny’s wife and her Chaos Daemons list. Next up the guys continue with the Heroic Interventions by breaking down a really good Dark Eldar Venom list. Then, the guys get down and dirty with Codex Imperial Guard, give a fully detailed review and overview of this nasty codex. Then, the guys let loose their Nerd Rage and talk about the GW price increase and what is the hobby worth to you? They talk about the prices versus trying to hook the new gamer. Next, Cowboy Kenny interviews Casey and they take a look at the world of miniature war gamming from a Warmachine player’s point of view, one who left GW gaming. They close out the show with ‘Deep 6’ where they talk Warmachine.
Opinion: Overall this was a great episode guys! I was glad to see the Heroic Intervention return, and the breakdown of Codex Imperial Guard was spot on. And while not being a Warmachine player myself, it was interesting to her from one and his opinion of the GW price increases. Overall, this is one to listen to this week!
Highlights: This week the guys open up the show by talking about some news and new Releases. Next up they hit on some Necron Rumors floating out there on the net and their hopes for the release of Codex Necrons. Then, they move on to local news, the games that they have played, and what they have done in the hobby. They finish off the first segment with some Dark Hersey talk, and what they have been up to there. In Steve’s Round Table, the boys discuss Steve and his next army. Then, Steve moves on to interview with Magic Number and how the GW price increases are effecting the Australian gamer. They close out the show with the Overlords Inbox, where they answer some listener emails.
Opinion: I really liked this week’s show and am looking forward to celebrating a year with the Overlords! Steve’s Round Table was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed hearing from an Aussie player and to hear how bad it really is. Great show this week, congratulations on your first year guys!
Highlights: After opening up the show with some announcements, Dave and the boys go on to Part Two of Operation Codex, discussing the Troop choices from Codex Chaos Space Marines. This is a very detailed review and they also discuss some of the more popular tournament builds as well. Next up, Sharan Reddy is back and give his day one report from the 1750 Mayhem tournament in London. Then in the ‘Big Fight’, the boys pit the Swarmlord versus Ironhand Straken in mortal combat! They close out the show with The Fat Angry Geek’s new segment, the Meta-List, where he talks about the Meta-Game lists and what they typical army list would look like. This week, they talk about a new emerging Tyranid list that seems to be quite effective.
Opinion: Overall this was another good podcast from 40K UK! I really like the review of the CSM Troops, and I love hearing about tournament performances and results. The Big Fight was of course a fun segment, and this new Meta-List segment really was informative. I have to try that list and dust off the old Tyranids! Good podcast again guys!
Highlights: This week the Myrtle Beach Wild Bunch opens up this nearly 4 hour show with “This Week in Gaming” where Neil tells us of a 1500 Point Side-Bar tournament he attended. Next up, Pat interviews Tasty-Taste and they talk about his latest article about cheating in 40K by going over on points on their lists. Next, Pat talks to Matt Weeks from Adepticon and they reflect on this year’s event. Then, Pat interviews Darkwyn about his now infamous Leafblower IG army list and Goatboy about an article he wrote on how to fix Independent Characters in a potential 6th Edition of 40K. Goatboy then sticks around to join Pat in Rules Hersey as they talked about Grey Knights having vehicles as scoring units. Next up was another 40K UK segment and they discuss a recent tournament that Gary had recently played in with his Blood Angels. Then, they close out their show with the “Game Plan” and this week they look at a Space Wolf Razorback/Missile Launcher Spam list versus Grey Knights, Blood Angels, and Tau.
Opinion: Overall, the show was jam packed with 40K goodness, with some Goatboy on the side! You know, for desert! I really like the idea of a Side Bar tournament so to hear Neil’s experience was interesting. Matt Week mentioned this article in his interview, which makes me feel internet famous! And ‘The Game Plan” is easily my new favorite segment in any podcast. Great show guys!
The Eternal Warriors – Episode 22 ***Explicit Language***
Highlights: This week the guys open up their show with a little satire on the GW price increase. Next, the guys are live, from the Pool, and talking about what they have been doing lately in games and the hobby. Dave and CSwizzy talk about their Warmachine game, Dan talks about his adventures in stripping…models, Dave talks about so ‘other’ games, CSwizzy as well, and Rich has been painting. They close out the first segment with Dan talking about Origins Game Fair and Rich’s review of Finecast Models. In the second/last segment of the show the guys talk about their summer plans in the hobby. The guys go through what they hope to accomplish this summer which included painting, modeling, and non-gaming related stuff.
Opinion: This was a fun show from the pool; the guys were kicking back and having a good time, all the while podcasting. I was good to hear them socializing, having some fun, and talking about their summer plans. There was a bit more Warmachine talk in here then I like, but that is their show and I respect that. Overall though, I loved listening to it and look forward to the next show.
Honorable Mentions – All great podcasts that just missed this cut this week, but you should still check them out:
El Pee and the Man – Episode 16 ***Explicit Language*** – GW Price Increases
El Pee and the Man – Episode 17 ***Explicit Language*** – GW Finecast
Perfered Enemies – 2 Bonus Episodes ***Explicit Language*** – Live from DieCon 2011
Worlds End Radio – Episode 58 ***Explicit Language*** – Sandgroper Cup 5
The Gamers Lounge – Episode 32 GW price increases
40K For Old Men – Episode 14 Fan Codex Demiurg
Interesting Tactics – Episode 13 Fluff versus Competitive
Jaded Gamercast – Episode 32 ***Explicit Language*** – Fantasy Talk
So, that is it for This Week in 40K podcasting, thanks for reading. Got a podcast all about 40K, or mostly 40K that I am not listening to? Let me know about it, [email protected] and I’ll be happy to add you to my listening schedule! Disagree with my review? Post comments for that too!