This Week in 40K Podcasting – 7/22/2011 – 7/28/2011

Welcome to another “This Week in 40K Podcasting,”
Here is this week’s top 5!
Highlights: This week the Myrtle Beach Wild Bunch is punching in with a massive 4+ hour show! They open up this week’s show with “This Week in Gaming” where Neil and Steve discuss the latest tournament they participated in with their Wolves and Grey Knights. Both finished strong! Next up, Pat had an interview with Mike for the blog Strafford Gaming Union and they discuss his ‘counts as’ Space Wolf army. Then, Pat continues his interview with Neil Kerr as this discuss this year’s ETC and some of the armies that will be played there. He moves on to have an interview with Neil Kerr, Josh Roberts, and Yolkem all from their respective ETC teams and they talk about some of the ETC tactics to army building. Next up was a discussion between Neil and Steven as they decided to build the ultimate Terminator Themed list. After the community segment were they talk about some upcoming tournaments, Pat has an interview with David from the blog Gone to Ground and they discuss a series of articles David has written on not getting sloppy in your 40K game. Pat also had a good interview with Goatboy of Bell of Lost Souls fame about his experience at WarGamesCon this year and some advice on ‘Ard Boyz 2011. They close out this week’s show with a heavy dose of “the List” where they build list for the fans! This week they built a Shooty Ork list, Foot Eldar, and Necrons using some Dr. Who models.
Opinion: This was another outstanding podcast from the 11th Company. I am really getting my education on Grey Knights from these guys and I really enjoyed the discussion on ‘counts as’ armies. Goatboy rocked and ‘the List’ was a lot of fun as it is clear the boys are not Dr. Who fans! Overall though, a great show and my top pick of the week!
40K UK – Episode 13 ***Explicit***
Highlights: After some shout outs, the guys are back and they open up the show with Operation Codex, where they discuss Codex Grey Knights and their Elite choices. They boys give a full description and tactical analysis of each unit in the slot, save for the henchmen. Next up was a new segment called ‘The Match: Live’ where they pit two typical tournament armies against each other to see how their fair. This week it was a Daemon versus Grey Knights match. They move into a blow-by-blow account of the game where they discuss what is happening in the game and the results as they happened. Then, we get back to ‘the Big Fight’ which this week pits Fateweaver versus Logan Grimnar. After that was the main topic of the show this week, a Round Table discussion about Codex Chaos Daemons. Pat from the 11th Company joins the round table and they give a complete run down of the Codex and how it compares to more recent codices like Dark Eldar and Grey Knights. Also, how competitive is the Codex now?
Opinion: This was a top-notch podcast this week! My hope is that the boys give a full review of Codex Grey Knights and just their review of most of the Elites was amazing. I really like ‘the Match: Live’, it is something few podcast dare to do, which is record games that they play. I would love to see these guys doing some YouTube Battle Reports as well. The Big Fig was fun and the Daemons discussion was deep! Great show guys!
The Overlords – Episode 58 ***Explicit***
Highlights: This week the gang opens up their show with some news, which included KR Multicase opening it US store, Sisters of Battle Rumors, updates, and more! They then talked about some local Overlords news and updates before moving on to what they have been doing in the hobby, including games played and hobby done. Next up the Overlords answer a question from a listener’s email asking for advice on building a Chaos Daemon army. Then, the boys move on the “Meat Locker” where this week Ciaran discusses an idea he had about list building techniques and methods to choosing an army to play. They close out the show was an interview with Dave Ploss, of the Founding Fields Blog, and he talks about “The Heretic” a fan-zine available at Hersey Online. They also discuss the Founding Fields logo contest!
Opinion: Overall this was a good podcast, the Dave Ploss interview hit on some language not accustomed to the Overlords (hence the explicit tag this week). Not to say it was a bad interview, just a bit more colorful than usual. Other than that, a shorter show this week with a great main topic of army design. I loved it, great work guys!
The Independent Characters – Episode 33 ***Explicit***
Highlights: This week, the boys are joined by Zack once again and they opened up their show with some shout outs. They also talk a bit about “Bringing 40K Home”, or how to properly play 40K at home. This will be a topic for an upcoming show. They then move on to about what they have been doing lately in the hobby, including painting and games played. They then move on to the main segment of the show where they talk about Gaming Etiquette. They first talk about the social gaming contract, and how much of your responsibility is it of yours to make sure your opponent is also having a good time during the game. They also talk about fun games versus competitive games, and how much the outcome of the game can affect one’s behavior. This moves into a great talk about tournament play in general. They then move on to the next segment where they talk about the etiquette of gaming at someone’s house. They talk about bringing money for food, beverages, and picking up after yourself after game night. They close the topic out with some tips on proper gaming etiquette. Next up, the guys have an interview with Ben Mohile, team USA ETC captain and the winner of the best general award at WarGames Con 2011. They talk to him about preparations for a tournament like that and what he does personal to prepare. They then talk about his WarGames Con experience overall.
Opinion: This was another amazing episode from the Independent Characters! Overall this was a good, top to bottom topic for this week. It is a subject that is near and dear to my heart, as I do my best to be a good sportsman when I play. Some of the tips that are covered here SHOULD be common sense for some, but it might not be. Maybe you don’t know that you are ‘that guy’! This was a great topic and I highly recommended it for everyone here!
Screaming Heretic – Episode 6 ***Explicit***
Highlights: This week the cast has a FULL crew, including the recently engaged (sorry fellas) She-Swizzy. They open up the show this week with some shout outs and then move on to talk about their hobby and gaming updates. From there the gang talks about GenCon and their plans for all of the fun there! The girls then take over the show, with another installment of “Kiss My List” and this week they review a 1750 point Space Wolves list. The boys also join in the discussion to further the tactical discussion on this particular list. Next up in Noob 411, the crew discuss what you will need being a noob to start your hobby in the world of paint and paint brushes! They also move on to talk about the differences in paint quality and brands. They then move on to new product releases followed up by Girls on Gaming where this week they talk about the “Top 5 Reasons Being a Gamer Girl Rocks”! This sort of evolves into some general gaming talk and tales of eBay fun in the Epic Fail segment. In the last segment the crew discusses their goals for the summer in the hobby.
Opinion: This was a great podcast! First, I am sorry girls; I will send you a list soon! Second, this show hit on a lot of gamer fun, they talked GenCon, got into a really detailed segment with the Space Wolves list, and the Noob 411 segment is quickly becoming a favorite of mine! And of course, the Girls! Both of there segments were fun and entertaining! Overall, this is a good podcast and I would check it out!
Honorable Mentions – All great podcasts that just missed this cut this week, but you should still check them out:
Deepstrike Radio – Episode 18 ***Explicit*** Great Coverage of the Salamanders Army (just missed top 5 this week!)
Preferred Enemies – Episode 8 – Know your slots: Troops
El Pee and the Man – Episode 23 ***Explicit*** Speed Painting!
Jaded Gamercast – Episode 39 ***Explicit*** Mailbag Episode
The Eternal Warriors – Episode 25 ***Explicit*** – Mostly Warmachine this week!
Gamers Lounge – Episode 36 ***Explicit*** GenCon 2011 with a Malifaux Twist
Please Note: I will be on vacation this week and there will be no “This Week in 40K Podcasting” next week.
So, that is it for This Week in 40K podcasting, thanks for reading. Got a podcast all about 40K, or mostly 40K that I am not listening to? Let me know about it, [email protected] and I’ll be happy to add you to my listening schedule! Disagree with my review? Post comments for that t