EXCLUSIVE: Warpath Forgefather Unit Painted (Pic)

Everyone has been clamoring to see some painted miniatures from Mantic’s upcoming Warpath 28mm sci-game. Today is your lucky day!
Hi guys – we know you’ve been waiting for these for a long time, and now here they are: the first painted Warpath Forge Fathers from Mantic!
We wanted the best photography and best paint jobs for these models before we showed them and we’ve think they’ve come out brilliantly. This is just the start of the Warpath content and more is to come over the next few weeks – thank you all for your patience!
You can find out even more about Warpath on BoLS here, and on the Mantic site here. They have a newsletter you can sign up for also. You can check out the upcoming Warpath release schedule here.
~So what’s your take on these? Compare and contrasts are always welcome. Expect more soon…