40K NEWS: Necron Product List + More Finecast

Necrons are headed to a FLGS near you. Get your wallet ready for these first wave products:
Product | Price | Ship Date | Material |
CODEX NECRONS | $33.00 | nov 5 | book |
NECRON WARRIORS | $35.00 | nov 5 | plastic |
NECRON LYCHGUARD | $33.00 | nov 5 | plastic |
NECRON IMMORTALS | $33.00 | nov 5 | plastic |
GHOST – DOOMSDAY ARK | $49.50 | nov 5 | plastic |
CATACOMB COMMAND BARGE | $33.00 | nov 5 | plastic |
NECRON DESTROYER | $20.00 | nov 5 | plastic |
NECRON MONOLITH | $66.00 | nov 5 | plastic |
FLAYED ONES | $45.00 | nov 5 | finecast |
NECRON OVERLORD | $18.25 | nov 5 | finecast |
NECRON CRYPTEK | $15.25 | nov 5 | finecast |
IMOTEKH THE STORMLORD | $18.25 | nov 5 | finecast |
TRAZYN THE INFINITE | $18.25 | nov 5 | finecast |
NECRON LORD RES ORB | $15.25 | nov 5 | finecast |
C’TAN – NIGHTBRINGER | $35.50 | nov 5 | finecast |
C’TAN – THE DECEIVER | $35.50 | nov 5 | finecast |
SAMMAEL OF THE RAVENWING | $49.50 | nov 5 | finecast |
ELDAR WARP SPIDERS | $35.50 | nov 5 | finecast |
ELDAR HOWLING BANSHEES | $35.50 | nov 5 | finecast |
ELDAR FIRE DRAGONS | $35.50 | nov 5 | finecast |
ELDAR SWOOPING HAWKS | $35.50 | nov 5 | finecast |
HARLEQUIN TROUPE | $35.50 | nov 5 | finecast |
ELDRAD ULTHRAN | $20.75 | nov 5 | finecast |
CAPTAIN SICARIUS | $18.25 | nov 5 | finecast |
HIGH MARSHAL HELBRECHT | $20.75 | nov 5 | finecast |
TYRION | $38.00 | nov 5 | finecast |
KORHIL | $18.25 | nov 5 | finecast |
So, as we saw with last year’s Dark Eldar, a pretty deep initial set of launch products. The only new miniatures that showed up last week that don’t appear on this list are the Death Marks.
Also note the large set of Eldar units moving over to Finecast this month.
~So who’s up for what, and how much is your wallet gonna get whalloped?