This Week in 40K Podcasting – 10/28/2011 – 11/03/2011

Welcome to another “This Week in 40K Podcasting,”
Here is this week’s top 5!
Highlights: The guys opened up the show with ‘This Week in Gaming’ and Steve tried out an Eldar list specifically against Grey Knights, and he and Neil tried out AV 12 versus Grey Knights. They move on to talk a bit about some of the new Necron rumors out there. Next up in Pat’s Corner, Pat has an interview with Thomas from the podcast Tyrant’s Due and they discuss dealing with ‘That Guy” and his nerd rage. They also had a good discussion about modeling for advantage. Pat then as an interview with Lars of the blog Farseer Failed and they talk about his Doublewing army, a Deathwing/Ravenwing list. Then, in the “Miscellaneous” section of the show, the guys discuss their upcoming tournament and some of the preparations they have made for it, the missions and scoring, the FAQs, and the planning stage of the event. After the community section, we get to “the List” and they build an all strength 6 Eldar army and a teleporting Grey Knight list. Next up the boys get back to the Ralph section and this week they teach Ralph how to faceoff with Grey Knights using Codex Tau Empire. This also was a clinic on each of the 4 major Grey Knight archetypes! To close out the show, Pat has a Black Library book review with Rich, formally of DLT/TEW, and they discuss the book Bleeding Chalice.
Opinion: Ok, while I freely admit to being an 11th Company fanboy, I have been glued to my earbuds the last few weeks as Neil and the boys have broken down the basic Grey Knight builds and how to prepare your army to fight them. While they have not hit on the Space Wolves yet (hint, hint), each and every week of the Ralph segment has been golden and stocked full of great information! Add into that their standard of excellence with This Week in Gaming, meaningful interviews, and Pat’s Black Library book review (bonus with Rich) made this week hands down my favorite for the week! Great work guys!
The Independent Characters – Episode 40 + Bonus ***Explicit***
Highlights: This week, Carl, Geoff and Zach are joined by Justin once again. After some announcements at the very beginning of the show, they open up the show with their hobby progress. This included talk about what they have gotten done in the hobby, painting, building, role-playing, and some games played. This also included some talk about the current 6th Edition rumor mill. They then move on to the main segment of the show, a rather fascinating segment where the guys talk about what they would do if they ran Games Workshop. What changes do they think the company needs to make to help advance the company? They first mention what they would do with those ‘other’ core games and those Specialist Games. They then start talking about the game we all know and love, 40K. What would they fix with the rules, the products, how they are sold and the pricing? In the next segment, the guys go into the company’s involvement with White Dwarf and how to make that magazine more marketable to us. They then talk some about marketing introduction games to large scale retailers like Wal-Mart and Target. They also address the company’s reasonability in their community and getting much more feedback from us. To close out the show, Carl has an interview with Matt Weeks of Adeptiocn fame. They talked about registration for Adepticon 2012 being open on Halloween. They talk about what they have planned for this year and what is new and what the hopes are for the event in the future. Also, as a bonus episode, the guys had their Forbidden Lore and discussed Double Eagle with the author, Dan Abnett himself!
Opinion: This week easily, easily could have been my favorite for the week! An overall engaging subject where the guys talk about all of the things the company who makes the game we love is doing wrong and how the fans would like to see it fixed! Overall, a great show I highly recommend. And not to mention an outstanding bonus episode with Dan Abnett! How do get much better than that? Great work guys!
Highlights: This week Rich, Bill and Opy and they talked about the show reaching the double digits. They open up with some shoutouts and announcements. They move on to talk about what they have been up to lately in the hobby and gaming. Next up in “This Random Time Period in 40K”, the guys go over some of the smaller releases and news in the gaming world before breaking into the new Necrons and talking about the new models, the now lore, and some rules. Then, in the Battle Report, they guys do a little something different this week as they play a 1500 point game between Tau and Space Marines. They give a description of the table, talk about the army list, and some tidbits before the game. Then was a completely narrative Battle Report between these two armies, as they told the story of the battle in dramatic fashion. They follow this up with a review of the game and what went wrong where. The guys close out the show with Rules of Engagement, and this week they cover the rules for Buildings.
Opinion: This is podcast is just something else and I have to applaud the hosts, they truly have something unique and different here and I really look forward to their show for that awesome Battle Report. I would like to see Rich play a game some time, but overall this was a great show and a lot of fun. Anyone looking for a podcast with a little something different, here it is. Kid friendly and really a joy to listen to!
The Overlords – Episode 72 ***Explicit***
Highlights: This week we have a full crew on the Overlords, including my hero Dagmire and Teras of Geek Nation Tours! This week the boys open up the show with the news, talking about the new releases from the Black Library, new model releases, new Necron releases and more. They move on to talk a bit about their local Overlords news before discussing their week in hobby and gaming. Then, in Commissar Random’s Uplifting Primer, John talks about Teaching Games and bringing new gamers into the game of 40K. He talks about some of the techniques he has used to teach the game to new players and bringing them into the hobby as a whole. Next up they returned to Room 40001 and Teras takes his shot at banning thing like 4’ X 6’ tables in favor of larger 4’ X 8’ tables, Rending and Poison, and more. Then was a series of interviews, the first with Ben from the Oxford Gaming club discussing his Grey Knights and the Jolly Toys Outing. They close out the show with an interview with Daryl from KR Multicase with the second half of his interview on the company and their products.
Opinion: Great show this week, I loved the talk about teaching the game, as without new players our hobby could die with us. Room 40001 was a lot of fun and the interviews were both interesting and educational. I’d recommend this show to any 40K fan!
40K UK – Episode 26 ***Explicit***
Highlights: After some announcements, the guys open up the show with Operation Codex where they boys discuss the Primaris Psyker and Lord Commissar from the Imperial Guard Codex. Next up the guys chatted a bit about the 40K UK Grand Tournament, and they talked some about the FAQs for the event. Then, in News from Across the Pond, Dave has an interview with Allan “Blackmoor” Hernandez, who took second place at this year’s Nova Open (losing only to the great Tony Kopach!). They talk about his tournament experiences and how he got into 40K in general before moving on to talk about his Grey Knight list and how it runs. Then, Gary ‘the Voice’ Percival started a new segment where they review listener submitted lists, and this week they review a tournament caliber Space Wolves list. Next, the boys return to the ‘Big Fight’ and this week we see Yrial take on Castellan Crowe in round one! To close out the show, the guys talk about the rumors surrounding the new Necrons!
Opinion: Dave and the boys have really ramped it up this week and produced a great show! The unit breakdowns were awesome and complete, the interview with Blackmoor was outstanding (huge fan!), the List review was entertaining and educational, and I just love the Big Fight! A great show guys!
Honorable Mentions – All great podcasts that just missed this cut this week, but you should still check them out, in no particular order:
Preferred Enemies – Episode 15 ***Explicit*** – eBay and 40K, Necrons, and their escalation league
Screaming Heretic – Episode 13 ***Explicit*** – Quite a bit of Warmachine talk in this episode ( 🙁 ), plus dynamical posing your figs and Kiss my List!
Life After the Cover Save – Episode 38 ***Explicit*** – Good modeling for advantage conversation along with your usual LAtCS antics!
Interesting Tactics – Episode 20 ***Explicit*** – Dreadfleet, Blood Bowl, and the 40K Champions League
Jaded Gamercast – Episode 53 ***Explicit*** – White Dwarf Magazine and how it has changed and Space Marine Legions and the gamers that love/hate them
Tyrant’s Due – Episode 14 ***Explicit*** – Necrons, Imperial Armor Apocalypse: Second Edition, and more!
Seanhammer Episode 59 ***Explicit*** – Necrons and Malifaux
So, that is it for This Week in 40K podcasting, thanks for reading. Got a podcast all about 40K, or mostly 40K that I am not listening to? Let me know about it, [email protected] and I’ll be happy to add you to my listening schedule! Disagree with my review? Post comments for that too!