This Week in 40K Podcasting – 1/13/2012 – 1/19/2012

Welcome to another “This Week in 40K Podcasting,”
Here is this week’s top 5!
Highlights: This week the guys open up the show with ‘The Roundup’ where they discuss what they have been up to over their extended holiday break. This included the games that they have recently played and some hobby that they have done. Then in ‘This random time period in 40K’, the boys go over the news of the last month or so. With nothing much in the world of 40K from GW, the boys move into talk about the latest Forgeworld releases. They also go into some of the amazing Black Library releases and local events that are up coming from them. They also touch on the 25th Anniversary for 40K this year and maybe a model to celebrate it? Then they dig deep into the rumor mill and discuss some of what is being talked about on the internets! Next, the Turn 8 crew is running their first tournament, and they discuss what it took to prepare for their first tournament. Next up was the lead-in to their signature ‘Battle Report’, where this week the guys cover a 1250 point game between Grey Knight and Necrons. They go over each list and talk about the army and what was taken for each. Then was the amazing dramatization of the battle. The guys give the story behind the battle, in the form of a short audio drama. Then they have a little follow up section were the talk about the game, the results, and declared an MVP for the game. To close out the show, the boys did ‘Rules of Engagement’ and this week they discuss the rule for Moral Checks.
Opinion: Overall this has been one of my favorite podcast to come out recently, and they have earned their spot on the top of the list this week. I find that I look forward to each and every show for their amazing Battle Reports, not to mention that they do an outstanding job on refreshing me on some of the finer points of the rules of 40K. Great work guys, I really enjoyed this week’s show!
The 11th Company – Episode 102
Highlights: After a quick announcement about their release night changing to Tuesday’s nights, the guys open up the show with ‘This Week in Gaming’ with a full house including a special guest, Blackmoor! They discuss Blackmoor’s recent tournament results, Alex played in his first tournament with Pat and they breezed through their coverage of that event. Neil talked about his games over at Larry’s place where he played Steve with his Sisters of Battle list. Next up in ‘Pat’s Corner’, Pat has an interview with Andrew Gonyo and they discuss his current tournament Grey Knight list that he hopes to take to the Nova Open. Pat then has an interview with Ragnar and they discuss his Rankings HQ 19th place Chaos Space Marine list. Next, Pat has an interview with Shriek from 40K Warcasting and they discussed the 3000 point game that they played at the Nova Open. Next up in ‘The Battle’ segment of the show, Neil and Steve have a live game that they commentate. Steven was running Imperial Guard with some changes from his last list, versus Neil and his Orks/Sisters of Battle! They open up by discussing their lists and what they were bringing to the table, and talk about their deployment. They then move on to round-by-round coverage of the game, highlighting all of the major moves and losses to each army. They moved on to a second Battle, and this time Neil brought an all vehicle Necron list versus Steven IG list, and the Necrons did pretty well thanks to some ‘hot dice!’ After a rather extensive community segment this week, covering all sorts of upcoming tournaments, we get back to Tactical Terrain. This week, Eric is talking all about display boards once again, and gives some great tips on setting up your display board to be judged at a tournament. This included model placement, some awesome ideas on Backdrops and side boards, and multi-leveled boards! Next up, in a new segment called ‘Guest Quarters’, Blackmoor hosts a discussion about starting a new Space Wolves tournament list for this year. This was an outstanding discussion on how to make a competitive Space Wolves list in the era of Grey Knights and Dark Eldar. To close out the show, MarkDawg from the Overlords joins Pat in a audio drama review from the Black Library, covering Oath of Moment and more.
Opinion: This was a great show, and it was awesome to hear from Blackmoor! I really like the Battle Segments, and it is quickly becoming one of my favorite parts of this great show. However, my favorite part of the ‘tactical podcast’ this week, the display board section. Eric did an awesome job and gave me a mountain of ideas of what to do with my display boards. Oh, and there was that outstanding discussion about making my Space Wolves competitive again! Overall, what a show! Great work guys!
The Overlords – Episode 83 ***Explicit***
Highlights: This week, both Jon and Ciaran are back with the podcast, along with Shagga, the long missed Dean, Teras and Steve (sort of). They open up the show with some of the leaked 6th Edition rumors and talk about some of what is in that leaked rule set. They also discussed the latest FAQs released form GW, including the Necron FAQ and a light Forgeworld release section. Next up was the local Overlords news section and they talked about their recent ‘Fun Day’ event. They also recorded some new videos that will be going up on their YouTube page soon. They then move on to talk about what they have been doing lately in gaming and the hobby, and there were a lot of Fun Day talks here too. This also including some Black Library books read lately as well. This moved into a great conversation about playing less competitively from time to time, and playing for fun. Then, the boys go into detail about the Overlords ‘Fun Day’! They talk about how the event came together and what they had set up to happen for the day and some of the surprises that they had in-store. They talk about some of the fun mission objectives they added, some special rules, and how some of the games turned out. They gave some detailed accounts of the games played that day and some of the funny situations that came up during the games. Up next, we have another visit to ‘Dagmire’s Tavern’ where this week he is reviewing the book Blood Reavers by Aaron Dembski-Bowden. He goes over some of the story and characters found in this great Night Lords book. To close out the show, Steve and Ciaran have a discussion about their game at ‘Fun Day’. Each of them did a quick walk through of the lists that they brought to the game, and also talk about the other four armies that were on the table. They then move on to discuss the game itself and what happened there, including some of the finer rules points to this game.
Opinion: This was a Fun Day episode, and I wish I were there! It sounds like that event was something else and it make me jealous that my gaming group has not reach that size level or organization yet. Overall this was a good show, it was good to hear from some long missed cast members and hear about the event. Great work guys!
Imperial Vox Cast – Episode 66 ***Explicit***
Highlights: This week Silas, Dawson, and Bill are back, missing Tor this week and all calling in via Scype. They open up the show with what they have been doing lately, Silas and Dawson won a team tournament, and Silas talked about his new Necron army. Silas also have a massive group game he played recently as well. They then move on to the games that they have recently been playing and Bill and Dawson played a Daemons vs Sister match. Bill also got some 40K for Christmas, and discussed what he got and what he is putting together. Next up was the main segment of the show, a recap of the year 2011 in 40K. This involved a review of their 2011 New Year’s resolutions of last year and if they met them, or not. Next up was talk of the early part of 2011, which introduced us to Grey Knights and what they brought to 40K this year. They then moved on to talk about the disappointing release of the Sisters of Battle White Dwarf codex. They also talk about how the army changed and how underpowered the codex itself really turned out to be. Then they talked a little about Necrons and what they can do, all in the hopes that they will vastly improve in 6th Edition. They also discussed the release of Apocalypse: Second Edition and some of the interesting units found there. They then move on to talk about Finecast and all of the mixed reviews and controversy that this product brought about. They move on to dicuss the big events that they made it to this year, Adepticon, the Nova Open and the Big Waagh. Next they move on to talk about what could come in 2012, starting with the release of Chaos Legions and moving on to the 6th Edition of 40K. This then moves on to a great discussion as to what they want to see in 6th Edition, rules they would like to see changed and things that need to be brought into the game. They also touched on some of the rumors that are floating out there about the impending new edition and make their 40K New Year’s resolutions for 2012.
Opinion: Overall, a great show guys! This was a pretty good year in reviews and discussion about how the game changed in a year. I especially like the discussions about 6th Edition and where they think the game is going. Great work guys!
40K UK – Episode 39 ***Explicit***
Highlights: This week is completely dedicated to the upcoming UK Masters Tournament. They open up the show with the Master’s Countdown, where they go over all of the UK’s top 16 players and the 1500 and 1750 point lists that they will be taking to this elite tournament. They open up by talking about some of the prep work they have put in for this event. Next, they go over the matches as they have drawn out, first the go over the matchup between Rob Sims and Gareth Donelly. They discuss the year each of these players had, go over each list that they are taking to the event, and debate how well they will do during the event. Next, the guys go over the matchup between Courtney Rhodes and their very own Dave Symcox. They go over each list being brought to the event and some of the tactics most likely to be used in this game. Next, they cover the matchup between Paul Burke and Neil Kurr. The go over each person’s army lists and how they had performed during the year of 2011. Neil Kerr’s list is the first of the Grey Knight builds, and his is a Dragio-wing list They move on to analyze each of the matchups for the first round and break down each of the lists participating in the event for their tactical value. I might also add that they went over James Taylor vicious Necron list, one which I have been closely following. At the end of the review of each of these great 16 players and their lists, they each make their predictions as to who will what prizes at the Masters.
Opinion: I have to admit I have a little pet peeve, and that is people who eat while on the phone or the microphone. I find it completely foul and disgusting! A piece of advice guys, if you are going to eat during a podcast, please turn off you mic when you are not speaking. Or sit further back. I know there was some great content in the beginning of the podcast, but all I could hear was chewing and it distracted me to the point where I could not enjoy that part of the show. Now, if you are not like me and can get past the chewing in the beginning of the podcast, this was an outstanding show. The guys did do an outstanding rundown of the top 16 players in the country and their lists. Overall, minus the chewing, this was a pretty great show. I just could not get past that though.
Honorable Mentions – All great podcasts that just missed this cut this week, but you should still check them out, in no particular order:
Screaming Heretic – Episode 18 ***Explicit*** 6th Edition, new Chaos Codex, Grey Knights list reviewed, and more!
Life After the Cover Save – Episode 42 ***Explicit*** 6th Edition Overview
40K Radio – Episode 33 Changes to the show/forum, 6th Edition Rumors, and part two of the Alissio Cavatore interview
40K Warcasting – Episode 44 Necron Armycast
Noobhammer – Episode 14 ***Explicit*** 6th Edition Rumors
Jaded Gamercast – Episode 62 ***Explicit*** Mailbag Episode!
Signals from the Frontline Awesome 6th Ed Review and 5th Ed FAQ
The Heroic 28s – Episode 26 Gaming/Podcasting Goals for 2012, 40K Fight Club and much more!
Battle Plan Roll 6s – Episode 4
Next Codices/ 6th Edition Rumors and Dark Eldar Review
Skared – Episode Competitive versus Friendly Gaming
So, that is it for This Week in 40K podcasting, thanks for reading. Got a podcast all about 40K, or mostly 40K that I am not listening to? Let me know about it, [email protected] and let me know about it. Also you can find me on My YouTube Channel for Battle Reports, Tactics, Reviews and more! Disagree with my review? Post comments for that too!