40K Showcase: Tau Empire by Bigred

I’ve been obsessed of late, simply unable to put down a brush with my ever expanding Tau Empire army. I think you’ll like what you see.
So full disclaimer, the core of this army was an Ebay purchase many years and years ago. It had slightly distant and blurry pictures, so it was a gamble, but it paid off. Then it sat unused in its army bags and in display cases, until Autumn of 2011.
I was so sick of the constant min-maxing and WAAC that I decided to pull them out and play for the love of the game, come hell or high water. Nine months later, I’ve come to find some respect for the army, and have been maniacally adding onto it, and playing non stop. When their new codex finally shows up one day, I will have quite the force to hit the ground running – and I’ve been able to savor some great battlefield upsets along the way. Without further ado, let’s get started. I’ve broken the army up into three main parts.
If there is one thing that defines the Tau, it is their suits, and their unique jet-pack abilities. Here is my growing collection. I have to say, that those XV-15 Stealthsuits are great at getting confused for Fire Warriors. I can’t count how often that happens…
Who doesn’t love the Kroot? They are characterful, the farthest you can get from painting monotonous Power Armour and have some of the best models and bits around – especially for their age. My favorite is the gnawed up thigh on a hook – for those peckish Kroot awaiting the orders to charge. Next up on the acquisition list will be ten Kroothounds and a Krootbird if I can ever find one.
The meat and potatoes of the army. I’m thinking of adding a Skyray and some more Piranhas. That second squad of Pathfinders on the left need their own green-trimmed Devilfish, so their sister squad will stop making fun of them.
~So far I’ve cranked out about 65 models over the last couple months for this list, and I’m just hitting my stride. Thanks for reading, and drop off your thoughts in the comments.