This Week in 40K Podcasting – 2/10/2012 – 2/16/2012

Welcome to another “This Week in 40K Podcasting,”
Here is this week’s top 5!
The 11th Company – Episode 106
Highlights: This week the guys open up the show as they usually do, with ‘This Week in Gaming’, and Neil is debating a new take on his Grey Knights. Pat and Steven recant their tales from the most recent RTT they attended at the Hobbit Games, where Pat took first, Steven took second, and Alex was also undefeated and took 4th. Next in ‘Pat’s Corner’, Pat has the second part of his interview with Paul Murphy and they discussed how he deploys his Grey Knights. Next, he had an interview with Richard, formally of the Eternal Warriors, and they talk about Nerd Rage and dealing with ‘That Guy’. Then, in the ‘Community Segment’, Pat talks to Dave from the blog ‘Gone to Ground’ and they talk about how to recycle your models for cash, or how to look for great deals on eBay! He also talked to Chandler from Feast of Blades, and they talk about their event and some of the things that will be going on there. They follow this with some announcements from the 40K community and events. Then, in ‘Codex Countdown’ the guys reevaluate Codex Tyranids in the modern Meta, with 6th Edition looming this summer. They open up with the common builds for Nids and how ineffective that they can be. Most of us Tyranid players have accepted that our codex is bad. They then move on to talk about the special rules for the army before they did a unit-by-unit review of the Codex, hitting on what is good and mostly what is not so good in this codex. To close out the show, Pat, Steven, and Alex give a review of the audiobook Labyrinth of Sorrow.
Opinion: Overall my favorite podcast this week, even though the bulk of it was bashing my poor Tyranid Codex. Not that I think their review was wrong, more like it is dead on and it makes me sad to have to shelve my favorite army. Their coverage of the RTT was good, and it was great to hear from Richard from TEW again.
40K UK – Episode 43 ***Explicit***
Highlights: After some announcements, Dave and the guys open up their show with ‘Operation Codex’ where they look at the Heavy Support choices from Codex Chaos Space Marines and this included Obliterators and some discussion about Lash lists, the Defiler. Next, on the ‘Tournament Report’, the boys do a follow up to the Caledonian tournament where they announced who was invited to join the Scottish ETC team, as well as the Welsh team. Then, Gary had an interview with Ben Smith about the upcoming Jolly Rogers Toy Outing event that the cast will be attending. Next, in the GT News, the boys are adding 40K UK GT t-shirts to the long list of great things that will be at this year’s GT. Up next was ‘News from across the pond’ where Dave interviews Allan ‘Blackmorr’ Hernandez and they discuss Forgeworld models and rules at a tournament. They also go into a great Necron conversation and what you can do with that army. To close out the show, the guys finally return to ‘the Bight Fight’, and this week the boys pit The Doom of Malantai and Imotekh the Stormlord, and this one had a surprise ending! They then go into a very in-depth review of the loser of the match.
Opinion: This was a pretty fun podcast that I really enjoyed. The boys got back to their standard format, which was a nice break from all of the specials and tournament breakdown they have had as of late. And they got back to the ‘Big Fight’ which is my favorite segment on their show.
Highlights: This week the guys have a packed house, with a few hosts coming in via Skype, but are missing Steve once again. They open up the show with news from Forgeworld and the Black Library. Next, they moved on to some local Overlords news, including contests for the show and Broken Alliance has been postponed. This moved on to their week in the hobby and the games that they have played. Next, in ‘Ciaran’s Meatlocker’, the boys look into what it takes to defeat the Dark Eldar army. They point out all of the army’s weaknesses and give a few tactics and strategies to help bring this army down. Next, in ‘Commissar Random’s Uplifting Primer’, John talks about how to power down his Imperial Guard Codex. He gives some things he plans to do to lessen the blow of playing against his army. To close out the show, Ciaran did a Black Library book review of the Dark Eldar novel ‘Path of the Renegade’ by Andy Chambers. They cover briefly the story of the book and his overall level of enjoyment from reading it.
Opinion: This was another great show once again from the Overlords, I love hearing about their games played, mostly because it is a style of list building we do not do here in the US. I truly appreciated Ciaran’s point of view on how to take down his own army, and John’s point of view on how to tone the Imperial Guard down a bit.
The Heroic 28s – Episode 28 ***Explicit***
Highlights: This week’s show opens up with some announcements that were missed during the recording of the actual show. Then, the guys talk about what they have been up to lately in the last three weeks. This included painting, modeling, and some games played. They also got into a good conversation about Finecast and resin models and play testing the leaked 6th Edition rule set. Next, in the News segment, the boys talk about Tau and Black Templar rumors being ‘fake’ and some other light 40K news items. Then, the boys discuss the Eldar Codex and how to make them competitive in the current Meta, with IG, Grey Knights, Wolves, Dark Eldar and Blood Angels. The guys build the best Eldar list they can math-hammer out as the most competitive Eldar list. This brought up an interesting rules debate over fast skimmers and moving flat out. Next, the heroes re-review Codex Space Marines, in their new format and with James Lascannon’s help. They start off with what are the best choices in the codex for Fluff and Competitiveness in each of the force organization slots. To close out the show, the guys discuss ‘Do it yourself’ versus ‘Buy it yourself’ in painting your army. If you pay someone to paint/convert your army, should you get a painting/modification score for it?
Opinion: This show was a pretty great example of a complete show. It had all sorts of modeling (working with resin models) and painting tips early in the show, a great tactical segment on trying to make an Eldar army that has a pray in late 5th Edition, and a good fluff section about Codex Space Marines. This was a really entertaining podcast that I highly recommend.
Imperial Vox Cast – Episode 68 ***Explicit***
Highlights: This week, Tor is back alongside Bill and Dawson, but they were missing Silas for this week’s show. The guys open up the show by playing a little catch up before moving on to talk about what they have been doing in gaming and the hobby. Next up in the main segment of the show, the boys go into Imperial Armor: Apocalypse Second Edition book. They open up with a discussion about the game that they played using some of the units/rules out of this book and how they performed on the battlefield. They discuss their list and Dawson tried to take the most broken Space Wolves units he could find against Bill’s Chaos list. They then move on to comprehensive reviews of each and every 40K ‘approved’ unit in this book, making sure to point out some of the more interesting units found for those units. At the end of their review, they have a debate about the legality of Forgeworld models and rules, and should they be in the standard game of 40K?
Opinion: This is one of my favorite of the recent Imperial Armor books and it was great to hear the boys take on it. It was also great to hear from Tor again, missed you man! Overall, they did a pretty comprehensive look at the book and the units, with some funny commentary on them. A good listen to this week!
Honorable Mentions – All great podcasts that just missed this cut this week, but you should still check them out, in no particular order:
Noobhammer – Episode 16 ***Explicit*** Space Wolves Review and an outstanding Dan Abnett interview!
Screaming Heretic – Episode 20 ***Explicit*** Kiss My ‘So-Called’ List, Apocalypse Terrain 2, Airbrushing 101, and Geek Nation Tours!
The Eternal Warriors – Episode 32 ***Explicit*** Battling Grey Knights, Warmachine, Malifaux and more!
Signals from the Frontline 40K Rumors, Ireland’s ETC Team Captain, and more!
Jaded Gamercast – Episode 66 ***Explicit*** Dwarves and the worst units in the game, both 40K and Fantasy!
So, that is it for This Week in 40K podcasting, thanks for reading. Got a podcast all about 40K, or mostly 40K that I am not listening to? Let me know about it, [email protected] and let me know about it. Also you can find me on My YouTube Channel for Battle Reports, Tactics, Reviews and more! Disagree with my review? Post comments for that too!