This Week in 40K Podcasting – 2/17/2012 – 2/23/2012

Welcome to another “This Week in 40K Podcasting,”
Here is this week’s top 5!
Highlights: This week the guys open up their show with what they have been doing lately. They move on to discuss the 40K news, including the new Necron Battleforce, 25th Anniversary merchandise, third party product updates, and the latest from the Black Library. Next in the ‘Librarius’ the boys dig into the back story to the Catachan Jungle Fighters. They talk about where they get their real-world inspiration came from and why GW might be phasing them out. They then go into the Origins of this Imperial Guard army, their home world and the trials found on this savage world. They then go into the stories of some of the more famous Catachan Special Characters and their most famous regiments. Next up in the Armory the boys build lists in the theme of the Catachan army. Chris built a 1000 point mech-less list, Jim did a 1750 all foot list as well, and Chase did up a ‘Tanks in the Jungle’ 2000 point list. In the ‘Hobby Trenches’, Jim does a review of some of the Secret Weapon Miniatures products he has been using lately, including their famous washes. To close out the show, the boys visit the ‘Briefing Room’ where this week they talk about building a new army and what you will need to do so.
Opinion: Overall this was my favorite podcast of the week; I love each and every review they do of armies and their back story. I lean so much from this podcast. And hearing about some of the great products from Secret Weapon Miniatures was a big bonus!
The 11th Company – Episode 107
Highlights: This week the guys open up the show with ‘This Week in Gaming’ where the boys review their most recent 1850 point RTT at Hit Point Hobbies. They open up with how the games were run and scored and moved on to a very detailed review of each of their games, as Neil took his Grey Knights and Steven his IG. Neil took home another win for the Grey Knights. Next up in ‘Pat’s Corner’ Pat has an interview with Stelek from ‘Yes the truth hurts’ and they discuss his article on Tournament Terrain. Pat then talked to Dracus of the blog ‘’ and they discuss his ‘40K in a flash’ campaign. He also talks to Skrivus from the Eternal Warriors podcast and they chat about the return of their podcast. Then, in ‘Tactical Terrain’, Eric is back and talking about the game board they are building and this segment was jam packed with cool building tips and ideas! Then in the ‘Community Segment’, Pat talked to Kirby from the 3++ blog on 3++ Con, Dagmire from the Overlords podcast on their Jingle Contest, the Bug Eaters GT and much more. Next, in the ‘Codex Countdown’, the boys are back to talking about Imperial Armor Apocalypse: Second Edition and they focus on the Tyranid and Tau units in this book. To close out the show Pat does a ‘Black Library Book Review’ of audiobook Galaxy in Flames.
Opinion: An outstanding show overall, full of 40K goodness. I really like the way the latest shows have been presented, with some hard core tactics on the frontend, modeling and painting tips in the middle, and a little fluff at the end. Add that with some interview from the biggest names in our hobby and you have one heck of a show!
40K UK – Episode 44 ***Explicit***
Highlights: After some announcements, Dave and the boys open up their show with ‘Operation Codex’ and an in-depth look at the Chaos Daemons Fast Attach choices of Seekers, Fiends, Screamers, Furies and Flesh Hounds. They also take a look at some of the Special Characters and how they help to improve these choices. Next, in
‘News from across the pond’, Franco Marrufo reports in from Scotland and along with James and Alan they talk about a 400 point tournament that the guys attended in October. Then, Dave and Leon are in for ‘The News’, and this focused on the Apocalypse event for the UK GT. Dave and Rob also talk about their ETC style grudge match between the gaming clubs Flame-On and Team Dudley. Next up in ‘The Big Fight’, Gary and Nathan join Dave as they throw down with Lilith from the Dark Eldar Codex versus Wazdakka from the Ork Codex. They then give a detailed look at the losing model’s stats and role on the battlefield. They close out the show with ‘The Shoutout’ where Dave and Gary have a detailed discussion about the new Rulebook and Codices FAQs and their implications on the game.
Opinion: This was a pretty fun show to listen too, with some tantalizing tactical discussions, some fun with Special Characters duels, and reports from around the world. Dave and his crew really have a special show that was a joy to listen to this week!
Highlights: The guys are again Steve-less this week (live anyway), but open up their show with 40K News where they talk about the new Necron Battleforce, the 25th Anniversary of 40K, Black Library updates and more. They then move on to local Overlords news before covering their week is hobby and gaming. Next, in ‘Commissar Random’s Uplifting Primer’, the boys get back to toning down the codices a bit by picking out some of the worst offenders of wound allocation shenanigans in the game of 40K. Then, in ‘Ciaran’s Meatlocker’ the guys talk about Manufactured Conflict’s first all-day event, jokingly called ManCon. The guys talk about all of the fun they had there. They close out the show with an interview with Jon Pryts of the NOVA Open Team, and he and Steve discuss his entry to the game of 40K and his work with the NOVA Open 2012.
Opinion: A good show overall, but I have to say I am missing my man Steve over there! But the boys did a great job even without him, especial their discussion about the wound allocation offenders of 40K. And of course, the report from ManCon made me wish I could have attended.
Opinion: This week the guys open up the show with what they have been doing lately. Rich is getting married soon, so congratulations! Then, in ‘This Random Time Period in 40K’, the guys go over some of the more recent news from the 40K world, including the 25th Anniversary 40K model, Forgeworld Scarabs, some Black Library and the run around the Rumormill. Then, in the ‘Battle Report’, the boys cover a 500 point game between Grey Knights and Tyranids, with a special guest player, Bill’s son. They discuss the lay out of the terrain of the board and the lists taken intro this battle. Next was an outstanding dramatization of this epic battle in the form of an audio drama, and a follow-up where they talked about what happened during the game. They also talk about the term ‘Blind Fighting’ and how this will affect future battle reports. To close out the show, they get back to ‘Rules of Engagement’ where they continue their conversation about Falling Back, Trapped, and Regrouping.
Highlights: This was a bit shorter of a show this time around, but with the impending wedding that is understandable. The highlight of this show, as usual, was the outstanding dramatization version of their battle reports. I truly love these!
Honorable Mentions – All great podcasts that just missed this cut this week, but you should still check them out, in no particular order:
40K Radio – Episode 35 Dark Angel rumors, press molding, competitive Marine lists and an Imperial Armor 11 review
Preferred Enemies – Episode 22 ***Explicit*** Armies for Noobs: Eldar
Signals from the Frontline New GW releases and the Broadside Bash
Jaded Gamercast – Episode 67 ***Explicit*** Running Tournaments
Tyrnat’s Due – Episode 19 ***Explicit*** Artikcon and Terrain making
So, that is it for This Week in 40K podcasting, thanks for reading. Got a podcast all about 40K, or mostly 40K that I am not listening to? Let me know about it, [email protected] and let me know about it. Also you can find me on My YouTube Channel for Battle Reports, Tactics, Reviews and more! Disagree with my review? Post comments for that too!