Model Review: Puppetswar Walker Auto Cannon
3 Minute Read
Apr 10 2012

1 toof -Far below average This product turned out to be a piece of junk. (rare)
2 teef – below average but not terrible. This product was a slight let down. (below average)
3 teef – Good, average, this product meets my expectations (average)
4 teef – superior to most of the products out there in either price, quality, etc this product goes above my expectations. (above average)
5 teef – Extremely high value or quality. This product blows me away. (rare)
Disclaimer: I play 40k; I’ve played 40k since the 80’s. When I look at a model I look at it from the perspective of how can I use this in 40k? That’s not to say the model can’t be used in alternative ways it’s just my perspective.
Quality: The quality is on par with previous Puppetswar releases. They are good, fairly clean and have good detail. There were a few places where mold lines were visible or I had to shave off some lines to get a smooth finish but nothing that is not out of the ordinary when dealing with resin kits.
3 Teef
Value: Price wise I think they on par with other offerings similar to this kit. So I think its priced fairly and competitively. What also nice is the walker arms are designed so that you can easily swap weapons out if you want to magnetize them at the elbow to save you form painting a lot of extra arms.
3 Teef
Look/Feel: I really like the style of the puppetswar war weapons and arms. I actually prefer them to the standard GW style. Maybe its because the arches on the arms look very tomb like, which is what the dreadnought basically is. I honestly think this is the best looking twin auto cannon kit I’ve seen on the market.
4 Teef
I know a lot of people like the Grey Knights double twin auto cannon set up with the special ammo but even regular dreads with this option are pretty decent for long range light/medium anti tank fire power.
Questions, Comments? What do you think?

Author: Billy Pistole