BREAKING: Dark Vengeance Delayed

We’re hearing from retailers all over the country that Dark Vengeance is delayed. Details within:
A number of retailers have issued word today that they have been informed by Games Workshop that the standard Dark Vengeance starter set is delayed until further notice.
Here is one sample message from GW:
We’ve pushed the release for dark vengeance back. As soon as Dark Vengeance is available we will send them and notify you. You can begin shipping Dark Vengeance to your customers as soon as you receive them. They can begin to sell Dark Vengeance as soon as they receive it from you.
No official word on the reason for this delay, but some retailers have mentioned a desire by Games Workshop to completely sell out of the Limited Edition boxed set before allowing sales of the standard set to proceed. An interesting launch decision to be sure, if true.
No word on when the standard boxed set launch will proceed. As of now, retailers are scrambling to find product, or upgrade existing standard customers to the Limited Edition to hurry along the process.
As of this moment, the Games Workshop website lists the Limited Edition as unavailable. The Standard Edition is available for preorder, with no release date listed.
Have at it.