RUMORS: 40K – WFB 2013 Schedule
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Dec 14 2012

The most interesting things show up in the dead of the night. Here’s the latest notes from the singing holiday birds on what 2013 has in store for Warhammer 40,000 and Fantasy…
JAN: Dark Angels
FEB: Daemons
MAR: Wave month (hobbit, warriors of chaos, 40k)
APR: High Elves
MAY: Tau
JUN: Summer wave (40k, supplement book for 40k)
JUL: Lizardmen
AUG: Mystery Box
SEP: Wave month
OCT: ???
NOV: Eldar
DEC: ???
Now, as usual, these things tend to get more speculative as you go outwards in time, but overall these line up with what we’ve been hearing from a variety of chatter. We’ve been hearing for a while that the “Mystery Box” is a fully revamped Blood Bowl. This list would certainly be a “year of xenos” – I can hardly wait.
~Enjoy (and take a minute to bow your heads and offer up prayers for the lamentable Black Templars)

Author: Larry Vela