Following in the footsteps of the Glorious Space Hulk and the lamentable Dreadfleet comes word of this year’s “Mystery Box” – BloodBowl.
Here’s the latest tidbits via Harry & Hastings:
“Space Hulk was in 2009 ….
… Dread Fleet is in 2011 ….
I am not expecting the next NEW, LIMITED big box game until 2013My understanding is that Blood Bowl is something different”.
Now as it did not come last year …. and IS coming this year … I am now thinking it will be the next LIMITED big Box game.
I have also heard from one source that he heard from someone else that someone they know had seen the CAD for a plastic pitch.
(So a really solid rumour!) but I am imagining a cross between the astrogranite pitch and the battle board.
Finally I can confirm what hastings told us last year that two of the teams are Orcs and Humans.
But Like hastings I have also heard that there are four teams in the box.
I hear the story is that the four teams are the ones to make it to the play-offs for a specific cup/competition.