WFB: High Elves Advanced Orders, Latest Word…

High Elves are up on the GW advanced Order Page. Here’s the last batch of rumors and a pretty, pretty picture!
The Minis
Warhammer: High Elves Army Book $49.50
Flamespyre Phoenix $60.00
Lothern Skycutter $60.00
Shadow Warriors $50.00
Loremaster of Hoeth $20.00
Allarielle the Radiant $20.00
HandMaiden of the Everqueen $16.00
Uniform and Heraldry of the High Elves $33.00
And lots of combos and decals…
The Rumorsvia BramGaunt
I don’t know if this has been said, so…
Sea Helm provides his chariot with a 4+ invul save. If he joined a unit, it can make a free regroup after it has been charged (!)
Annointed is a pricy Lord with a 4+ invuln saveFrostheart Phoenix gives enemy units in b2b -1 strength and always strikes last
Flameheart deals d6 s4 hits to a unit he flies over , and d3 hits per every aditional rank the unit has. It can ressirect with full life.Skycutter has s5, t4 and 4 wounds
Can have a s5 bolt thrower
Less then 100 pointsShadowwariors drop in points
Swordmasters, white lions, archers drop in points. Wl and sm more then archers. Lion chariot and bolt thrower drop significantly in points.Loremaster is quiet expensive
AdvertisementAllarielle is a S4 mage, grants her unit a 5+ invul against non magical attacks, can heal herself or anither character, may grant +1 to hit for 1 turn (cc and ranged), all allied witards which use lore of life or lore of light get +4 on casting
The Picture
And your pretty pretty picture as promised… behold the Lothern Skycutter
Eat your heart out Dwarf Gyrocopters!