40K NEWS: Codex: Black Legion Arrives

Move over Loyalist Space Marines – The Black Legion would like a word first… The third supplemental codex is here.
“The Black Legion are among the most hated foes of the Imperium, vile traitors and fearsome warriors responsible for ten thousand years of terror and murder.
This Codex: Chaos Space Marines Supplement charts the history of the Legion, along with their Warmaster Abaddon, who stands poised to lead them to victory over the Imperium. Also inside you will find a showcase of Chaos Space Marine Citadel miniatures, presenting the warband colours and icons of those sworn to serve the Black Legion, supplemental rules that, in conjunction with Codex: Chaos Space Marines, allows you created a Black Legion force and a series of narrative missions that enable you to play through the Black Legion’s bloody history.”
You can grab Codex Black Legion at the iTunes store here:
And here’s all the pretty preview pictures and a general rundown of the rules as we know them so far:
Black Legion Rules (teaser)
And some background to whet your appetite you dirty traitors!
~So what do you think so far – worthy of Abaddon’s Legion?