10 CRAZY Legal 40K Armylists (soon enough)

By now everyone is talking about the craziness possible with Warhammer 40,000’s Unbound lists. Here’s just a taste of what you can bring.
The ground rules, I am using a 2k point limit and throwing in the odd unit here and there for theme:
1) Pask’s Heroes
Pask, 12 Leman Russes, and some change…
2)The Horror, The Horror
10 Winged Hive Tyrants
3) Apocalypse WOW (queue Flight of the Valkyries)
14 Stormtalons, 2 Stormravens
4) Dead Men Walking
4 Wraithknights, 8 Wraithlords
5) The Greatest Good
1 Uber-commander, 10 Riptides
6) Obliteration!
Chaos Lord, 27 Obliterators
7) Change You Can Believe In!!
Fateweaver, 187 Pink Horrors
8) Da Lord Humongous – Masta of da Wasteland
Warboss, Battlewagon, 60 Buggies
9) Thunder, Thunder, ThunderWolves!
Wolf-lord, 30 Thunderwolves, 40 Fenrisian Wolves
10) Mars Attacks!
3 Doom Scythes, 16 Night Scythes
It’s gonna be a spammers paradise out there!
Have fun out there! What’s your fevered brain coming up with?