40K 7th Edition Early Rumblings – 7th Edition – Army Construction Latest

Following up on this week’s GW teaser for “7th Edition” this May, here’s the latest on constructing armies.
from DakkaDakka:
Said to be revealed in next White Dwarf:
2 new Force Organizations. (“Battle-Forged” or foc And “Unbound” take whatever) battle forge gives bonuses. New Missions using tactics cards in addition to our current Eternal War Missions, a new “Psychic Phase” of the game, and the full article next week.
New psychic discipline available to everyone but nids(lol). Psychic phase sounds a lot like fantasy.
Ok, so:
– WFB-Style Psychic Magic Phase
– A set of “objective cards” you are drawing/discarding from each turn
– Completely “bring what you want” (only limited by the Allies table) army construction
– New Allies chart
– New Psychic Discipline (except for bugs)
And we all thought the crazy rumors from last week were off the hook…
~I’m SURE you all have some strong opinions on these…