SHOWCASE: Warhammer 40,000 Second Edition Boxset

Waaargh! A thin blue line of Macragge’s finest try to hold back the pressing weight of sixty bodies as the Waargh surges forward. I really like the contrast of brilliantly bright armour of the Space Marines shining through the darker, dirtier colours of the Orks and Grots.
Forty Gretchen, or grots for you who grew up in 2000 or later. I painted these in drab, darker colours. Plenty of sharp, crisp shading really gives these definition. I kept the highlighting to a minimum to keep them looking dark.
The Orks utilise the same colour palette as the Gretchen. The only differences being the skin is darker and I bloodied up their choppas. If you’d like to know how I painted the Orks I have a full tutorial here.
The only thing that doesn’t make these 100% retro authentic are the bases. They’re missing the Goblin Green base with stained sawdust flock badly glued on in patches.
I can add this completed set to my Dreadfleet, Tyranid Attack and The Hobbit Boxsets. How many boxed games have you managed to complete? Let me know in the comments or join our new Facebook page called Paint Your Game Support (PYGS for short) to get help and motivation to paint your boxed games.
Tale of Painters is a hobby blog by six experienced painters from all over the world, updated daily since 2011. Follow Tale of Painters for updates of their latest projects, inspirational showcases, high-class tutorials and reviews.