40K/WFB: Nagash Returns & Nurgle Love Coming SOON!

Buckle your seatbelts, because GW is looking to shake things up BIGTIME in the weeks ahead!
Darnok says:
I have got the following bits from a birdy that has yet to let me down even once (and has tweeted to me for over a year):
– A “big thing” for WHF at the end of August – sadly no details, but the notion of “the shape of things to come!” … confirmed as being the return of Nagash
– Nurgle gets some love in October: a book, 3 plastic kits and a clampack – again, sadly no details about this
Arthurius11 follows up with:
Have some more “rumours” in regard to the end times campaign coming, as usual take them as you will.
Along with Nagash and the vampire releases I mentioned earlier there will also be new release models for tomb kings, skaven, chaos and dark elves.
Thanquol and bone ripper will be getting there own new models along with a new plastic vermin lord. There will also be new fantasy terrain.
There had been talk for almost a year now that GW is looking to radically shake up the status quo in Warhammer Fantasy, and a myriad of theories about exactly what that meant. The return of perhaps the biggest baddie of them all in the Old World would be a step in that direction.