40K Roundup – 11-23-2014

Forge World, Shield of Baal and lots of corporate intrigue!
Loken from Heresy30K here with a roundup of the weeks top news.
Firing from long distance, the Basilisk can lay down a fearsome barrage ahead of the advancing ranks of the Solar Auxilia. Its hull, derived from the Solar pattern Leman Russ, offers enhanced protection from enemy weapons and can equip a pintle-mounted weapon such as the ubiquitous multi-laser, adding a close quarters defence capability should enemy infantry advance too near.
The Solar Auxilia Basilisk can be fielded in Artillery Batteries as part of a Solar Auxilia army in Horus Heresy games. This kit includes an optional Solar Auxilia gunner with pintle-mounted multi-laser. The rules for this model and the full Solar Auxilia army list can be found in The Horus Heresy Book 4 – Conquest.
Whilst it does not have the huge firing range of the Basilisk, the Medusa loads even more devastating shells than its sister tank. Its hull, derived from the Solar pattern Leman Russ, offers enhanced protection from enemy weapons and can equip a pintle-mounted weapon such as the ubiquitous multi-laser, adding a close quarters defence capability should enemy infantry advance too near.
The Solar Auxilia Medusa can be fielded in Artillery Batteries as part of a Solar Auxilia army in Horus Heresy games. This kit includes an optional Solar Auxilia gunner with pintle-mounted multi-laser. The rules for this model and the full Solar Auxilia army list can be found in The Horus Heresy Book 4 – Conquest.
Dark Angels, Chaos Daemons and our non-english gamers get some love. Checkout how your army is affect NOW! Check out all the FAQ’s over on Black Library.
Did the Dark Angels REALLY need some item nerfs? I can’t even remember the last time saw Dark Angels on the tabletop.
– French FAQ
– German FAQ
– Spanish FAQ
– Italian FAQ
Those cheeky monkeys over at Black Library love a good striptease. There is a new batch of goodies for Shield of Baal to check out. COME LOOK!
Shield of Baal: Leviathan (Black Library) $44.99
Like a rising tide, the tendrils of Hive Fleet Leviathan thrust up from beneath the galactic plane, devouring worlds and destroying star systems. On the Shieldworlds of the Cryptus System, under the blazing light of its binary stars, the soldiers of the Imperium fight for survival against an overwhelming Tyranid assault. Yet long years of war have taught the Hive Mind much about the Imperium and its armies are adapting. New beasts and bio-weapons take to the field and the very nature of war is changing…

Shield of Baal Week 2 Products
two releases next week for 40k and the rest is hobbit and some bases.– Shield of Baal box set $125 25 miniatures, campaign supplement, and rules– Shield of Baal: Deasthstorm $24 hardback 125pgs
Contents of the box set
Small Rulebook with Blood Angels on Front
Campaign Supplement -40pages
3 missions, rules and dataslates for each model, two formations- Strike Force Deathstorm and Phodian Annihilation Swarm
Blood Angels Strike Force– 12 models
Captain Karlean, 5 terminators, 5 deasth company, and a death company dreadnought
Phodian Annihilation Swarm– 13 models
Spawn of Cryptus, 8 genestrealers, 3 warriors, and a carnifex
The Spawn of Cryptus is a very large Broodlord towering over the height of warriors. Both the Spawn of Cryptus and Captian Karlean are new models.
New Bug Formations:
pics vis El Descanso Del Escriba and Forge the Narrative
New Tyranid Formations:
Hypertoxic Node
I Hive tyrant
1 Toxicrene
3 Venomthrope broodsInstant death on to-wound rolls of 6 (5,6 for Toxicrene), 12″ Toxic Miasma
Neural Node
1 Maleceptor
3 Zoanthrope Broods
+6″ Shadow in the Warp, reroll 1’s on psychic tests
Skytyrant Swarm
1 Hive tyrant
2 Gargoyle broods
+6″ synapse, one giant unit, may use Look Out sir!
Skyblight Swarm
1 Hive Tyrant
I Hive Crone
2 Harpies
3 Gargoyle Broods Objective secured, 4+ goes into reserve when units destroyed
3 Mucolid Clusters
3 Sporemine ClustersInfiltrate, destroyed formation members go back into reserve on a 4+
1 Skytyrant Swarm
3 Skyblight Swarms
1 Sporefield +6″ synapse, reroll failed rolls to replace destroyed swarms while Tyrant lives!
Aside from the sheer craziness of the Skytide (mainly for giant apoc games), I’m digging the Sporefield. Its effective, irritating, and pretty cheap in points!
It’s been barely 2 years and the latest rumors say 40K rules future is looking towards the past.
via Steve the Warboss:
-Shield of Baal: Leviathan (and all later releases Expansions for 40k) will return in Softcover.
-Armybooks, Codices and Suppliments will all come sometime next year in Softcover Versions with a lower price.
It reflects a business pragmatism that accepts the wide financial spectrum of the GW customerbase out there.
The famed Chapterhouse vs Games Worhshop case has been ongoing for over 2 years. It’s over at last…
One month ago, Chapterhousemade an announcement on thier facebook page that they have had assets frozen pending an appearance in court to have the decision reversed.
Chapterhouse Facebook
Our assets have been frozen.
Yes, thats pretty much the issue. Many of you may know that Games Workshop has been in a legal battle with us for almost 4 years now.. maybe its 5…
Anyways, they have asked the courts to freeze our assets and this has happened, this happened early September, not long after I posted the photos of the last set of products that were being produced and almost ready to ship.
What does this mean? #1 we have no means to ship or produce or pay for anything… and I mean anything, internet, phone, gas, nothing. We cant use or accept funds (well technically we can accept but I wont do that without a means to ship out new orders).
#2 the demon lines are sitting at the casters, waiting to be shipped but not able to be shipped to us. Even if they were shipped to me, I couldnt ship them out since they are technically “assets” and I am not allowed to ship them out.
#3 the company infrastructure, email, website, is pretty much frozen.
I am flying out (which GW allowed us to buy a ticket) to chicago next week to step in front of the courts and plead my case to have assets released and do business as normal until the appeal is addressed.
For those of you who are understandably upset, I am sorry, this has been a long and hard road and many of you have stood by me. I wish it was better but its been very stressful and now I have learned that its not only my company at risk but my personal assets and home are being threatened as well now.
Ill do my best to keep you all apprised.
And to be clear, no orders were taken after I found about about the freeze mid september.
Any orders that have issues were due to customers not putting in correct addresses and a new shipment needing to be sent (and couldnt due to the freeze).
Or lost orders in the postal system.
And Now…
Over the weekend, word broke that both parties reached a settlement. Paperwork has been jointly filed (see below) by both parties with the Chicago court to withdraw all pending litigation due to a private settlement that had been reached by both parties.
The details of the settlement are not disclosed and in almost all legal cases are sealed. So we will have to look for signs of what happened “from the outside”.
This case has been a long twisting road full of victories and defeats for both sides along the way. Here are the final motions:
Memorable Moments From the Case:
Games Workshop vs Chapterhouse Trial Begins 6-3-2013
Games Workshop vs Chapterhouse Trial So Far 6-13-2013
Chapterhouse Attorney’s Declare Victory Over GW 6-18-2013
Meanwhile back at the Death Star…….
Games Workshop has a new CEO in place. Here’s the latest on what the change will mean for the next year:
via Steve the Warboss 11-16-2014
After the reorganisation of the Managment, the replacement of Kirby and the switch of CEO, GW will have probably some more little changes in the assortment:
Look for these changes:
-The number of limited releases will increase
-More classic GW games (Epic, Mortheim, …) should be released in “all-in-one” Boxed Sets with limited run (like Space Hulk)
-In contrast to rumors that have been wrong, there is internally a serious discussion of FW
-There are plans to integrate FW in the core assortment, how to be solved is not yet clear
The following is a speculation by me (The Source):
-Horus Heres is very successful, GW wants so sell FW-Products in their Stores and the Webpage to increase sales, but they don’t know how FW will Produce their range in higher numbers
-I expect an extension of FW in 2015 with larger capacities and the sale of products at GW in 2016
As always, you can find me at Heresy30K for daily updates on Horus Heresy gaming.