The 10 Greatest Gaming Universes

There are a lot of fantastic universes to escape into through tabletop games. Here are the best we’ve found!
Warhammer 40,000 – Ahh the Grimdark how we love you. I shudder at the total lore pagecount so far, but Dark Millennium is amazing to game in from 28mm, to EPIC, to Space combat and even more!
Lord of the Rings – The universe that started it all. We have tabletop games, card games and boardgames from FGG. There is still so much unexplored territory out there in Tolkein’s playground.
Star Wars – FFG is currently king of the roost, and I think we have only seen the tip of the iceberg of what gaming opportunities await us all.
Warmachine – Immoren is growing in pagecount by the day. Privateer just added on their novel division this year and have added on the RPG and card games via Iron Kingdoms and High Command. The Iron Kingdoms await your adventures!
Battletech – From ComStar to The Clans, the Inner Sphere is one of the biggest universes out there to play in. There must be an insane number of publications and novels in total. It’s an old gem that REALLY deserves a top to bottom tabletop reboot.
Warhammer Fantasy – Sure it’s a Tolkien knockoff, but what a knockoff. With 30 years of world building behind it, there is probably more written about Felix and Gotrek than many Middle Earth empires!
Star Trek – There used to be a lot more Star Trek gaming once upon a time – but WizKids if keeping the flame alive. If you have a soft spot for playing out all the Federation-Klingon-Romulan power plays there are games for you out there!
Game of Thrones – Pretty quiet right now with FFG plugging along, but I would imagine there will only be more games as time goes on. As the white hot center of fantasy in mass culture it’s gaming time will come. Who doesn’t like a little treachery and double crossing amongst the Great Houses?
Dungeons & Dragons(Forgotten Realms) – One again WizKids is bringing the universe to the tabletop. There was once a time when D&D games were everywhere, but even in lean time that flame really never goes out.
Call of Cthulhu – Everyone favorite eternal & ancient horror is in the public domain – so the sky’s the limit when it comes to gaming. There have been popular games in all genres for decades and it’s not changing anytime soon!
~Who’d we miss, and what universes most pull you out of your daily grind and into gaming?