WFB BREAKING: Here Come the Skaven Vermin Lords!
Thevatars of the loathsome ratmen scratches their way to the surface – GO GO GO!!!
Get a load of these Nagash sized pretties!
These minis pretty much much sync with some rumors doing the rounds earlier today:
Previous Rumors:
End Times 4 : Skaven
Release date: January 2015
via Faeit 12-24-2015
(Anonymous Source 1) We saw the new cover art for endtimes 4. It’s rat caster riding some Monster with a cannon. (Sorry not to familiar with skaven)The new white dwarf has new skaven monsterous creature as the front covers but that’s all i saw.
(Anonymous Source 2) Plastic Vermin Lord to make 5 different kits in white dwarf 49.
white dwarf 2 weeks from now will feature the release of a plastic
vermin lord kit, will make 5 alternate models with different themes. 1
Eshin, 1 Grey Seer, 1 Warlord, 1 Moulder and one supposed “Vermin King”.
Eshin one can be skitterleapt and gets re-rolls to cast skitterleap, grey
seer one always gets 6 on the d6+1 part of warp lightning casts. No further
information about the others or point costs, but alledgedly he’s going to
be about the same dimesnsions as Nagash.
~I would expect lots more on this in the next couple of weeks…