Adeptus Mechanicus – The Unit Rundown

The big questions regarding Adeptus Mchanicus are WHEN and WHAT. Here’s the latest you Martian fanatics!
from Harry:
-In No Particular Order-
Adeptus Mechanicus Codex & models (full release)
– It’s Admech, but there will be two codices.
From the Birds in the Trees:
The Paper Products
– Codex:Adeptus Mechachanicus Skitarii
– Heraldry/Hobby book
– Ad Mech Datacards (contains no psychic power cards)
The Miniatures
– Ad Mech Skitarii box
– Ad Mech Myrmidon box
– Energy weapon platform/ transport box (combo-kit)
– Legio Cybernetica Colossus/Conqueror box (combo kit)
– Magos Clampack
– Secutor Clampack
So, for those keeping score, that gives us two separate sources pointing to an April/May release window, as well as two books. The robots listed would be a dual-kit to make two of the classic Rogue Trader Imperial Robots that Forgeworld has not done yet. Between that kit and Forgeworld, that would be 4 out of 5 completed (with only the chunky Cataphract remaining)
Ad-Mech Rumor Roundup
I Want to Believe…