40K Rumors: The Next Three Redone Codices are…

There’s scuttlebutt about about which existing Codices GW is redoing this year. Come check it out!
While the rumors / recent releases say GW is going to to producing some new smaller armies this year including:
– Harlequins (duh)
– Adeptus Mechanicus/Skitarii (Q2)
– That funky Assassin boxed game concept.
– Plastic Horus Heresy (starter boxed set and a followup product line)
People have been wondering – what about the existing army books? Those have to keep on getting updated. Today we git the first drips of rumors on that front:
The following 2-3 books look like they are on the schedule for this year (from soonest to last):
– Space Marines
– Tau Empire
– Eldar (maybe, could get pushed off to next year)
Horus Heresy is being confirmed by everyone out there, its just a matter of when in the year GW wants to place it.
Finally don’t forget about the big reboot of Warhammer Fantasy 9th in the summer.
It is going to be a VERY BUSY year…
What do yo think MOST needs updating in the Space Marine, Tau Empire & Eldar Codices?