40K: Monday’s Knightly Hint… & a Puzzle

The rumor puzzle pieces are all coming together. Checkout the teaser for next week’s release and make your prediction NOW!
Via Atia from B&C
“i’ll just leave it here
“Honour through Fealty” – you will get more information at monday”
“Honour through Fealty” – that has a familiar ring to it…
Now crack open your Codex Imperial Knights, p.10 left column, second paragraph from the top:
“The societies that evolved were built upon concepts of fealty, honour and duty; three things that all Knights hold in the greatest regard. All of the nobles on a Knight World owed their allegiance to a knightly house, whose ruler could call upon them at any time to carry out his commands. Each house could also field large numbers of men-at-arms, either mounted or on foot. The houses also had groups of artificers and technicians who maintained the suits of Knight armour as best they could, and over time, became an integral part of society on all of the Knight worlds.”
Now make sure you are current with the rumors on the Crusader and Warden knights said to coming “in the short term”
Finally, factor in the teaser from this last week’s White Dwarf – “Something Big… …This Way Comes”
Are you starting to put the pieces together folks?