40K: Now THAT’S a big gun!

Well look what Forgeworld has released for us all. An amazing new fortress with a hidden treat…
Found on worlds across the Imperium since the days of the Great Crusade, the Primus Redoubt is one of a class of super-heavy emplacements built en-masse to defend the cities, foundries and other vital structures on newly Compliant worlds. Constructed with emplaced weaponry more often found on heavy void craft and battlecruisers, and powered by reactors buried deep beneath its visible structure, the Primus Redoubt is designed to eliminate vehicles at very long range, and has enough destructive force to take down super-heavy vehicles and even Titans. Its substantial walls are further protected by a projected force dome, shielding the redoubt from all but the heaviest of incoming fire and orbital bombardments.
The Realm of Battle Imperial Primus Redoubt consists of a 2′ x 2′ Realm of Battle tile that features a large bunker complex with multiple battlements and a double-barrelled turbo laser destructor turret. It is a fortification that can be taken by any Faction in Warhammer 40,000 and Horus Heresy games. Experimental rules for the Primus Redoubt can be found HERE.
So, first things first – that price is NUTS – like all of the Forgeworld Realm of Battle plates are. That said, for the 650+ points this thing runs, it is kind of points efficnt for the cash laid out – like the Aquila Strongpoint is. YOu can give it a decent secondary turret up top to complement the Turbo-laser destructor, and the Force dome is not to be underestimated. Then of course, lets not sneer at the pounding that any AV15 building can take.
Finally onto the hidden gem. Maybe it’s just me, but that tubro laser looks an awful lot like it may fit perfectly onto the carapace mount of a Reaver. Just saying…
~ So what’s your opinion of its cash-price to effectiveness ratio?