Age of Sigmar: 1st Confirmation

At long last, the very first visual confirmation for the future of Warhammer Fantasy is spotted:
via Hostingpics 6-2-2015
It looks like a GW Retailer marketing poster for the upcoming product from France.
“Age of Sigmar Arrives”
Pre-order July 4th
Streetdate: July 11th
And in English via Mengel Miniatures (facebook)
And previously today we had this on Age if Sigmar:
Via Steve the Warboss 06-02-2015
Age of Sigmar is not the Starter Set of the 9th Edition. It will be a Board Game like Space Hulk or Execution Force and with this Set, the Releases of the 9th Edition will begin.
Wow, there is a lot of reading between the lines to be had in that text description…
Warhammer 9th Roundup
~It looks like the WFB rumortrain is leaving the station! CHOO CHOO!