The Glory of the New Interrogator-Chaplain

Check out the brand new Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain and more in all their glory! REPENT – REPENT!
Ohh, look at that cinematography. The depth of field, the pans, the closeups. Someone at GW is having a great time with their camera.
This Chaplain makes me think “My what a large hand you have…” 🙂 I’m happy to see the Dark Angels get some plastic HQ love and move things along in the transition to all plastic. It is a fairly expected miniature, and I think the powerfist was rendered on this figure a bit on the large-cartoonish side. Powerfists on normal power armor models is always a delicate balancing act in scale, but luckily the model is festooned with enough other cool details like the cloaked mask, keys, and censor to keep your eyes actively moving around the piece.
~What’s your artistic opinion on the new libby?