NEW Horus Heresy – The Emperor WITH Horus!

The Emperor & Horus side by side? You have to checkout these awesome new teased Horus Heresy novel covers from Black Library.
Via Black Library
The Warhammer 40,000 Open Day this weekend had some very exciting revelations for Black Library fans, in the form of a whole host of new Horus Heresy releases announced.
As well as the Imperial Fists artwork we teased last week, there are three more amazing new covers to check out.
What will these new books mean for the series? Take a look…
As many of you guessed (well done you), this artwork is from a new Imperium Secundus story featuring Alexis Polux, Pharos.
Get yourself up to speed on the story so far with The Unremembered Empire and Deathfire. And to find out why the Night Lords have shown up, check out A Safe and Shadowed Place.
AdvertisementThe White Scars (amongst others) return in the intriguingly titled War Without End.
Late to the party, but now making up for it with gusto, catch up on the Khan and his sons with Brotherhood of the Storm and Scars.
Garro looks a bit unhappy here, doesn’t he? Hardly surprising after what he’s been through in his adventures so far. But what’s next for the Knight Errant in Vow of Faith?What could be more epic than the Emperor himself in action? How about the Emperor battling alongside his (former) favorite son Horus Lupercal!
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~Wow breathtaking stuff all the way around. I imagine a lot of hobbyist would love to read about the good old days of the Great Crusade. New books look to be on the way to stuff those Holiday stockings soon!