40K: Assassins & More Tau Are Coming!

You heard that right! Those long promised plastic Assassins are heading for a tabletop near you. Here’s the latest:
Ever since Execution Force came out last April, there has been talk of the 4 plastic Assassins making thier way to the tabletop in individual clampack form. Here’s the latest doing the rounds on that:
via DakkaDakka’s Sad Panda 11-5-2015
The Friday/Saturday notwithstanding, that pre-order weekend (November 20th) is correct.
No Tau models, but a mix of Imperial things, notably repackaged black-clad operatives hunting O’Shova.
And of course you can’t have assassins without a worthy target – like say… Commander Farsight! A second Warzone book for Damocles is coming titled: Mont’ka – looking like it’s focussed on the Imperium’s hunt for Commander Farsight.
via K’Vor on Advanced Tau Tactica 11-5-2015
Mont’ka will be out Nov 20th, and that FSE 7E is on schedule for Q1 2016.
Data Cards for Farsight are also due out.
via DakkaDakka’s Sad Panda 11-5-2015
The Friday/Saturday notwithstanding, that pre-order weekend (November 20th) is correct.
No Tau models, but a mix of Imperial things, notably repackaged black-clad operatives hunting O’Shova.
Eidtor’s note: Imperial forces discussed are are: Assassins, Astartes, Astra Militarum
via DakkaDakka’s Gamgee 11-5-2015
K’vor’s source had nothing to say other than Q1 and that FSE (Farsight Envclave) was coming.
So we will get the Heresy Game, then MORE Tau, and the Assassins, before plunging into December.
~ Horus Heresy is only the beginning!