GW: Loyalty Program On the Way?!

Yes you heard that right, it’s a not price drop, but a loyalty program looks to in the cards for Nottingham. Here’s the details:
We’ve been seeing some small signs of Games Workshop testing the waters of modern marketing and sales techniques of late. Here’s the latest eye-turner from Nottiingham spotted out in the wild:
via B&C’s Dosjetka 11-4-2015
Apprently, the system goes like this:
Spend 150 Euros -> free dice (unsure if just one or multiple);
Spend 300 Euros -> free pin (just Tzeentch or is there a choice?);
Spend 400 Euros -> free t-shirt (again, only one choice?).
So this looks like a fairly simple example of a loyalty program like you might find at any retailer these days. You buy items in increments of 125 euros and get a reward. Unlike many others this one is rewarding standarized swag rather than credit, or discounts on merchandise.
Still it is a positive first step for notoriously conservative GW. A dipping of thier toes into the world of EGADS –“marketing”. I hope to see this type of thing grow into one of the full fledged computer tracked and sophisticated rewards systems you find at major retailers or credit card companies that offer a variety of products and services you could redeem your loyalty points for.
Also note that Chaos Powers theme of the poster. Maybe something there – maybe not. Just pointing that out.
Flashback to The SKULLZ Loyalty Rewards Program
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