40K: Battle for Vedros – The Game & Rules

Now let’s look at the game itself in Battle for Vedros, GW’s new line of 40K products aimed squarely at boys and girls! Take a look!
Let’s get started…
First of all, go here:
Warhammer 40,000 Battle for Vedros
And take a look at what we can see about the game itself:
And some sample units:
That’s an interesting set of stats. When you watch the video, you can see the game is really simplified, but the framework of 40K is there to be built upon. The phases of the turn are close enough, and many of the target dice rolls (hitting, wounding, armor saves) match what the full game uses for those units. I am thinking it would be very easy for kids to move up from this type of system into the full rules.
~ What do you think of the new line and rules? A good gateway game to get kids into 40K?