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40K: Deathwatch Genestealer Broodkin Pics SPOTTED!

2 Minute Read
Feb 20 2016
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It’s time to meet the ‘Stealers! Come see the latest Pics of the Genestealer Cult Invasion!

Family photo time for The Ghosar Quintus Broodkin – it’s a Genestealer family reunion!

Source: Warhammer 40 Campaigns (and various others on Facebook) 2-20-2016

Genestealers 1

Genestealer 2

Genestealer 3

Genestealer 4

Genestealer 5


Genestealer 6


These Genestealers and the Hybrids are a definate throw back to the old Genestealer cult.


They also appear (fluffwise) to be from a mining colony of some type – hence the mining laser, power hammer and power pick. Either that or they were just digging tunnels underground to better infiltrate the planet! Personally I’m THRILLED to see these new Genestealers and Hybrids – it’s be a LONG TIME coming and I can’t wait to see the rules for these Tyranids!



I also really like the addition of the Genestealer Familiars – it’s a nice nod to the duality of the Genestealer Magus. They are Human/Tyranid Hybrids and I’m guessing that can cause some pretty strange Psychic Manifestations. I can’t wait to see how these guys stack up against those Deathwatch Marines!


Full Spread Picture

via Imgur 2-20-2016

Deathwatch Overkill

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I got some friends you should meet. They believe in some interesting things. They have WONDERFUL Kool-aid.

Author: Adam Harrison
  • MUST SEE: DEATHWATCH OVERKILL: GW Confirmed Genestealer Cult!

    Warhammer 40K