Deathwatch Overkill Week: DAY 1: Unboxing the Game

Deathwatch: Overkill is here! It’s time to take a look inside the box and all the goodies within:
Welcome to Deathwatch: Overkill Week here on BoLS! Over the next few days we will be going over every aspect of the new game, from the rules to to the minis, to the game itself and everything in between. Check back in every day for everything you wanted to know about the biggest product GW has produced this year.
Today we wade into the box itself, and the a general overview of the game components. Let’s get started!
Special note: These are all high resolution images, click to see all the details.
First of the the box itself. You can see the box front and the back right here.
Next we see two of the “zone-based” board sides, you use to build the game missions.
Now we see the cover of the softcover 48 page rulebook, just dripping in Deathwatch iconography – just wait till you see the inside! Nice job there GW.
Next I know you are dying to get a taste of the minis within. Here is a shot of just one the Genestealer Cult members, and a sample page of the thick and detailed assembly guide for all of the minis within.
That is LOT of bits – click to zoom in – this image is quite large.
Next we get a look at a couple of the miscellaneous components.
1 dozen sample Genestealer Cult Ambush/Gambit cards – there are a LOT more!
And let’s wrap up this intro piece with that obligatory pile of bases, dice and the new fancy clear plastic measuring tool.
Here is a complete listing of everything inside the box.
50 Miniatures
Chaplain Cassius
10 Deathwatch Members
Genestealer Cult
Familiars (x2)
Genestealer Hybrids (x28)
Genestalers (x2)
Genestealer Aberrants (x4)
Deathwatch: Overkill Rulebook (48pp)
8 Double-sided heavy card stock Board Sections
3 Genestealer Cult Data cards (double sided)
11 Deathwatch Data cards (double sided)
30 Broodmind cards
Minis Assembly Guide
6 6-sided dice
~Check back in all week. Who’s excited now???