Tabletop Spotlight: Wulfen Releases

The Tabletop Spotlight is on the new Curse of the Wulfen Book and the new Space Wolf Wulfen Box!
Hey BoLS Readers! We got to sit with our friends from Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy and chat about two of the newest releases from Games Workshop: The Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Books and the Space Wolf Wulfen Box. These two releases represent a new chapter for the Space Wolves in Warhammer 40,000. We do show off some of the contents of the book and rules so minor spoilers in the video:
Lets talk about the Campaign Supplement Curse of the Wulfen first. I really like this new format! Not just because of the extra rules but because these new campaign books are packed full of new stories and background. The 40k universe finally feels like it’s moving forward again! For the first time in a long time I’m actually interested in reading the stories of 40k and not just the Heresy books. I don’t need super serious novels – I like the short stories and linked story arcs that are included in these books.
But I know that isn’t for everyone which is why it’s great they have a book for just the rules – which has some really strong formations for both Space Wolves and Daemon players. I won’t get into those as they have already been discussed (and that’s not the point of the Tabletop Spotlight Series anyway). But just know that the Curse of the Wulfen has content for both sides of the fluffbunny/WAAC player base.
Now – about the Wulfen Box. I know that many people are not a fan of the models themselves – and that’s okay. But there are many people who do like the models. I don’t play Space Wolves so I don’t really have a dog in this fight. However, I think the box would be a good buy for anyone with a Space Wolf army or if you are starting one. The bits and conversion options alone are limitless! You really could get creative with a single box of these and really spruce up an entire army with little extras. When the Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard came out I picked-up a box just to use the bits for Squad Sergeants and character upgrades. I could very easily see Space Wolf players doing the same with the Wulfen box.
War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen $74
Space Wolves Wulfen $60
There are no Wolves on Fenris…