Age of Sigmar: Aelfs Are Coming Next – Mini Artwork Spotted

Age of Sigmar is here to stay and the Aelfs are next in line for a release window. Here’s the latest on their minis:
The Aelf Release
Industry sources tell BoLS:
Aelfs are the next faction in the Age of Sigmar release schedule
Look for a multi-week release window on par with January’s Fyreslayers
The modelcounts listed are:
- 2 New Foot Units
- 1 Oversized cavalry unit
- 1 Large Monster kit
- Aelf Battletome
- Aelf Painting Guide
One of the foot units is described as and “Aelf-Dryad” unit, while the big monster kit is described as a “beetle”.
Just yesterday, rumormonger Squiggly mentioned the Aelfs with the following details:
- The Aelfs are Slyvaneth
- The Dryads are armed with halberd/sickle weapons
Putting it all together
A Sylvaneth release for the Aelfs makes sense in the near future. The talk of the AoS Summer Campaign mentions it heavily involves the Aelfs and the search for Slaanesh, somewhere in the Realm of life – the Sylvaneth’s home turf.
Now let’s take a look at the two new pics to trickle out of Warhammer Fest this weekend. See anything that sounds familiar?
Aelf Release Roundup
~More as it comes in. I wonder what type of animal new Sylvaneth cav would ride?