BREAKING AoS: Silver Tower Hero Rules SPOTTED!

The Heroes from Silver Tower now have Warscrolls for Age of Sigmar – come see the latest pics from White Dwarf #120!
Wow! These Heroes are NOT pulling their punches. These guys are some tough customers for sure. Also, anyone else notice the key words on these heroes? Specifically the Darkoath Chieftain – He’s a Chaos follower! The fact that he’s a hero in the new Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower makes me want to play that character even more! Plus this is more info on the Aelf characters which is great to see. I can’t wait to see what else GW is going to do with the Age of Sigmar.
For More Pics and to Join the Discussion check out the BoLS Lounge Thread below:
Silver Tower Round-Up Thread
What’s your favorite special rule from these heroes? Shadowstrike seems pretty good to me!