40K RUMORS: The New Edition Latest

There is a new set if info on when to look for Warhammer 40,000’s next edition and what to expect.
Industry insiders tell BoLS:
- Look for the new edition of the Grimdark to show up in Q2 2017.
- The new edition is slated for arrival before summer of next year.
- It will be a streamlined edition
- Look for changes tailored to make the current game more accessable for new players.
- Look for limited design elements to migrate from Age of Sigmar to the new edition.
- This will NOT mean the Sigmarification of 40K, only a carefully selected set of rules organization decisions to make learning and playing much easier than things are now.
I’ve been saying for a while that Age of Sigmar is a much more complex rule system than many think. Remember that when you look at the “4 pages of rules” you are leaving out the tremendous amount of rules that live on unit warscrolls that never appear in the core rules as they do in 40K. There is a lot of simplification of 40K’s tedious phases and reorganizing where rules appear that could drastically reduce the total pagecount of the main 40K rulebook.
If I were a betting man I’d say to look for an overhaul of the either the psychic phase, assault phase, or both. There hasn’t been an edition where one of those hasn’t gotten a top to bottom teardown and rebuild.
~I”ll let you figure out exactly what that could mean – of what parts of the rules most need a trim.