SHOWCASE: Tau Invasion – Big Guns, Big Armor

In the last article I went over the Supremacy armor, this time let’s continue down in size.
Hello BoLS readers!
One of the new kits added was a Stormsurge. A nice kit and something different with the visible crew. Was surprised at the size, online it looks not much larger than a Riptide. For those curious this model is magged at the rocket pods and weapon. The waist is unfortunately hollow so to allow for magnets it needs to be filled with putty or made solid. Very well designed kit otherwise.
Second is good old Yar Varnie, my favorite Riptide variant. The customer already had one which you might remember from the last set, so the pose is quite the opposite. Always a fun model to paint.
Thank you for looking and following along, see you again soon!
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Thanks, and until next time!