GW: Answers Custodes / Sisters of Silence Allies Question
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GW just answered a sticky question on exactly how to use Sisters of Silence and Adeptus Custodes in 40K
via the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook Page
Q: According to the ally matrix and data slates for custodes and sisters on your NZ website, neither custodes OR sisters can legally be fielded in 40k. Can you address this? I’m willing to buy multiple boxes for custodes and sisters, but the rules imply they cant be used.
A: The kits in this set are designed primarily for Horus Heresy games, but rules are provided to let you add them to your Warhammer 40,000 games if you want to. You are quite right – currently this is limited to Unbound games, or you and your opponent agreeing they can be included for some other narrative reason.
Neither force is currently an active military force in the galaxy (The Adeptus Custodes don’t leave Terra, and the Sister of Silence have not bean widely active for 9,000 years) , so they don’t feature in any current Imperial formations, which tend to reflect active forces at the close of the 41st millennium.
Both do still exist though, so who knows, we might just see more of them in future.
So Unbound it is for now… Those little teases.
Here’s the rundown on the unit rules for 40K
via Games Workshop
Sisters of Silence
Custodian Guard Squad
Full Custodes & Sisters of Silence 40K Rules Here
~Did you notice that little tease they dropped in there for more Custodes / Sisters of Silence in the future…